Non-seismic geophysics - what seems to work, what doesn't! (Title TBC)
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Hamish Wilson, Keith Nunn and Matt Luheshi
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We will describe how and when to apply non-conventional geoscience technologies to reduce exploration risks.
Despite great advances in non-seismic technologies, today’s process of subsurface risk management in Oil and Gas Exploration is still predominantly reliant on seismic data. Yet there are a suite of other, mainly geophysical, based technologies that can augment the power of seismic to understand the subsurface. SLR Consulting has assembled a world-class team of experts to provide the definitive study of when and how to use such technologies.
The focus is initially on geophysics based technologies that have been proven to work and should be in the mainstream of exploration. The technologies reviewed in presentation are (with their respective authors):
1) Crustal studies (refraction seismic) – Jannis Mackris and Keith Nunn
2) Gravity and Magnetics – Alan Reid
3) Full Tensor Gradiometry – Matt Luheshi
4) Marine Electromagnatism (CSEM and MT) – Lucy Macgregor
5) Ocean Bottom Nodes – Ian Jack
6) Microseismic and induced seismicity – Sue Raikes
We will present a route map – a technology-selection guideline for explorers that is intended to be a ‘go-to’ guide for decision makers of the suitability and applicability of each technology in a variety of geological settings. It also provides an indicative budget required for each technology broadly relative to that of a conventional seismic survey.
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