New Technologies can transform our sub-surface insights!
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David Bamford
Future Energy Partners Ltd
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Talk Description The last two or three years have revealed some profound “technical” issues:
Exploration has everywhere been very unsuccessful over the last 2-3 years, both in success rate and in the discovery of “giants”.
· We have reached the ‘end of the road’ with regional towed streamer 3D as our main exploration tool.
“Reservoir Risk” is a key contributor to the failure of Development projects; too much uncertainty is carried beyond Appraisal and FEED into project design and execution..
· New technologies are needed to reduce uncertainties.
Poor understanding of reservoir dynamics has led to unsatisfactory IOR/EOR projects.
· ‘Richer’ surveillance will improve our understanding of reservoir dynamics.
We need some “Disruptive” technologies:
A bit of a generalisation but “disruptive” transformations in our ability to explore, appraise and manage reservoirs are almost always related to step changes in our ability to acquire subsurface data. What did 2014 bring?
Offshore Nodes ‘came of age’: the key change was the demonstration that the operational problems often associated with seabed kit have been solved. Onshore Nodes may be just over the horizon, from a combination of wireless technology and UAVs. Are cables finally for binning?
Non-Seismic Geophysics: not exactly ‘new news’ but Full Tensor Gravimetry (FTG) came into widespread use onshore (and offshore, too).
Fibre Optics: demonstrated real potential for 24/7 downhole seismic, including Permanent Reservoir Monitoring (see also below), Production Monitoring.
And finally one that wasn’t: we need to figure out why Permanent Reservoir Monitoring has been so slow to take off?
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