David Bamford - Director Finding Petroleum
Welcome & Introduction
Hamish Wilson, Keith Nunn and Matt Luheshi - SLR
Non-seismic geophysics - what seems to work, what doesn't! (Title TBC)
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Simon Campbell - Globe Technical Development and Senior Geophysicist Getech
Global tools for frontier exploration - Part 1
Kirsten Fletcher - Senior Geophysicist Getech
Global tools for frontier exploration - Part 2
Jamie Warner - Exploration Geoscientist ARKeX
The exploration value of using FTG data: frontier exploration in NE Greenland
Gaud Pouliquen - Technical analyst Geosoft
3D Hybrid Gravity Inversion for Base of Salt Modelling
Daniel Baltar - Global Exploration Advisor EMGS
‘Avoiding the Irresistible’ The EM value chain
Christopher Green - Geophysical Consultant Getech
Workshop on Gravity & Magnetic Techniques