Case study: How can Digital Transformation approaches help me handle information overload?
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Dave Camden
Flare Solutions Limited
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Talk Description A multinational integrated oil and gas company and one of the seven "Supermajor" oil company in this acquired a large oil and gas company to strengthen its portfolio in a number of geographies. As a result of the acquisition, an entire oil company’s 4 Pb data set, amounting to more than 300M files, needed to be quickly and efficiently absorbed and integrated.
This case study shows how the organisation absorbed a vast amount of content and deployed content clean-up, classification and analytics techniques to deliver relevant content to support the technical project teams.
Flare was engaged to assist with the effort by leveraging a number of proprietary techniques to understand what was in the data set, define how it should be handled, and develop a go- forward strategy.
The presentation will provide an overview of the challenges addressed in handling such a huge influx of data, documents and other content, residing in non-connected infrastructures within a limited time frame, while maintaining business as usual.
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