Better ways to sense oil and gas methane emissions - satelilte and airborne

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Friday, November 17, 2023

Video Presentation

Airborne Methane Reconnaissance
Ben Lunnon-Wood
Big Sky Theory

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Talk Description
Big Sky Theory (BST) is demonstrating the effectiveness of airborne (UAV) methane reconnaissance. With support from the UK's National Physical Laboratory, BST is breaking new ground in fast, safe and efficient emissionns detection and characterisation.

Methane, we're coming for you!!

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Other talks from the same event

Karl Jeffery - editor Finding Petroleum
Welcome & Introducton
Jean-Francois Gauthier - Vice-President Strategy GHGSat
Towards Global Transparency: How Satellites are changing the monitoring of emissions at industrial sites
Watch Video
David Bamford - Director Finding Petroleum
Q&A followed by Close no later than 1415

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Integrating subsurface data stored in different packages
by Jane Wheelwright from Dynamic Graphics

"The technical, regional and political presentations were a great compilation for the Middle East."


We are planning a further webinars program for 2024 -
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