We have been producing reports of all Finding Petroleum and Digital Energy Journal conferences from April 2015 onwards. To download our reports free of charge please click on the links below.

Report from Feb 9 2024 webinar, "Explore onshore Southern Africa - not just deep, deep, water!"
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Can we define responsible investing?
McKinsey - how oil and gas operators are responding
OGCI - providing oil industry leadership on climate
Chris Wheaton - an investor’s perspective on E&P ESG
ESG issues with operations in Africa
CCS from an investor perspective
The social part - maintaining good local relations
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• Understanding petroleum systems - the key to exploration success? • How source rock works - and studies offshore South Africa • Is there a giant oil field offshore Guinea? • Spectrum – looking for Gambia source rocks on seismic • Why explorers need to think about ESG now too
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Lebanon, new carbonate plays, earth imaging satellites and seeps • Spectrum - good reasons there may be oil in Lebanon • Cambridge Carbonates - more complex play types worth consideration • Maxar - using earth imaging satellites in exploration • CGG NPA - seeps and geological map making by satellite
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How do we make CO2 storage a viable business for oil and gas companies?
There is growing public and governmental demand for less CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. Oil and gas companies have the technical and financial capability to put CO2 into the subsurface. But they aren't doing it. How can this be fixed?
Oil companies say that governments should make higher carbon prices or taxes. But governments are reluctant to impose higher energy costs on their voters.
Governments say that international / western oil companies should pay for CO2 capture and storage themselves. But the companies are reluctant to increase their costs of production above those of their national oil company competitors.
New pathways are needed. Our Petromall Insights report, available for free download today, explores what they might be.
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