Clarke Shepherd
Oil Plus Limited
Global Business Development Director for Oil Plus Limited.
Oil Plus is a world leading consultancy for investigating production separation, oilfield water treatment, and water disposal / injection issues. Whether related to fluid characteristics, chemical treatment programmes or process systems' performance, Oil Plus's highly experienced production chemists and process engineers have all the required expertise to establish the root cause(s) of the issues and deliver the most cost-effective recommendations for mitigation.
Our rigorous, highly effective site investigations, supported by a worldwide network of laboratories and the latest prediction and modelling software, allow us to quickly generate reliable and accurate data for evidence-based interpretation by our experts.
As Oil Plus is independent of equipment and chemical vendors, the advice provided is unbiased and based purely on the best techno-economic evaluation of the possible solutions.
Oil Plus also has direct experience of working on the assessment of performance of oilfield process treatment chemicals and their correct application in the field.
The company was established in 1978 and has since earned an excellent worldwide reputation through its involvement in more than 2,500 oilfield projects for over 270 clients in more than 50 countries.
Commercial Director