Transforming Offshore Operations with Digital Technology
update on how oil and gas companies are getting value from developments in digital technology
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Jens Olav Nordanger
» Sales manager
» Hexagon (formerly Intergraph)
Per Ivar Nerseth
» Senior Product Advisor and Account Manager
Joe Chesak
» Fablabs AS
Full Agenda
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Norwegian Petroleum Museum

Download our report from this event
Our Stavanger forum on Dec 1, "Transforming Offshore Operations with Digital Technology", provided an update on how oil and gas companies are getting value from developments in digital technology.
We looked at how digital technology can help you do more with brownfield assets, and improve operational efficiency and safety. We looked at better ways data can be integrated and put together. We'll look at ways you can work with 3D data, including with a case study from Lundin, and ways you can better make a framework for managing all your engineering data. We'll look at easier ways you can improve and manage production, without super-complex reservoir simulations.
These are confusing times, and there is a lot of hype, but we hope to provide you with concrete examples about where real value is being found.
We had speakers from Intergraph, eVision, AVEVA, Datum360 and Fablabs.
This event continues from our past Stavanger events held in:
December 2015
view the agenda and conference report view the delegates list
June 2015
view the agenda and conference report view the delegates list
December 2014
view the agenda view the delegates list
Karl Jeffery is editor and co-founder of Digital Energy Journal, and conference producer of Finding Petroleum. He is also publisher of Carbon Capture Journal and Tanker Operator, and co-founder of Digital Ship, a publishing and events company covering digital technology for the deep sea maritime industry. He has a BEng in chemical engineering from Nottingham University
Finding Petroleum Finding Petroleum was established to help the oil and gas industry network, and stay up to date on t More... | |
Hexagon Process, Power & Marine (formerly Intergraph) is the world's leading provider of enterprise More... | |
eVision Industry Software creates best-in-class Control of Work software. Innovative solutions that More... | |
AVEVA is the world's leading engineering IT software provider to the plant, power and marine industr More... | |
Datum360 provides Software as a Service (SaaS) and consultancy services to ensure that your 'Enginee More... | |
Talk Description How to assess millions of scenarios and will always find efficient production strategies that lie outside of an engineering teams peripheral vision. Why it may make sense to shut-in some high producers to lay the foundation for a better overall strategy Moving beyond time-series data for optimising production A new power tool for both the production engineer and production manager Starting the production day on the right foot, every day |
Joe Chesak is a former Senior Engineering Analyst with ConocoPhillips
Fablabs AS Fablabs AS is a software company that aims to be distruptive about maximizing off-shore oil producti More... | |