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Solving E&P problems with digitisation

Cloud data management, data engineering, machine learning & analytics
Dr Duncan Irving
» Practice Partner, oil and gas
» Teradata
Deborah Humphreville
» Director energy, EMEAR
» Maxar
David Bamford
» Director
» Future Energy Partners Ltd
Graham Scotton & Deb Grubbe
» Founders, Director
» Future Energy Partners Ltd

Full Agenda

Monday, November 20, 2017
The Geological Society

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Getting value from digitisation is proving harder than many of us thought, but it is quietly transforming our business. There are interesting opportunities around machine learning, working with satellite imagery, helping smaller E+P's get digitally enabled, better analytics on data to improve fraccing, and getting faster warning of developing risks.

Consider for example the advocacy of the CEO and CTO of EOG Resources, a well-respected US shale player, and the Group/Upstream CEOs of BP – they are all affirming that ”digitization” is transforming their business, and that there is a lot more to come.

Perhaps it is worth saying that at the highest level, the “E&P problem” is how to run a profitable oil & gas business with oil prices stabilized (we hope) at say $50/barrel.

Then, the folk mentioned above articulate the impact that “digitization” can have on:

  • Preventative maintenance/operation of surface facilities
  • Drilling and Completions (especially ‘fraccing’)
  • Reservoir Monitoring.

provided the business objective has been clearly and carefully defined.

What do we mean by “digitization” – how about data management in the ‘cloud’, data engineering, analytics, machine learning? And does the typical oil & gas company contain the skills to deliver the promise? Or are they going to become dependent on GE or Schlumberger? I guess we would all have our opinions on whether that was a good idea!!


9:30 David Bamford - Director
Finding Petroleum

Welcome & Introduction

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David Bamford is well known around the oil & gas industry both as an explorer and a geophysicist. He holds a Physics degree from the University of Bristol and a Ph.D in Geological Sciences from the University of Birmingham.

Since 2004, he has been a non-executive director at Tullow Oil plc, being recruited for this position especially for his exploration knowledge. He serves on the Nominations and Remuneration Committees, and was chairman of the latter, and Senior Independent Director, for 3 years prior to his retire from the board at the end of April 2014.

He was on the board of Premier Oil from May 2014 to May 2016.

He retired from BP plc in 2003, his last four positions being Chief Geophysicist (1990-1995), Business Unit Leader (General Manager) for first West Africa and then Norway (1995-1999), and finally Head of Exploration until 2003.

He has served on the boards of Paras Ltd, a small exploration and IS/IT consulting company in which he held 22% equity, until its sale to RPS Energy in 2008 and Welltec a/s, a Danish well engineering company, as the nominee of the private equity investor Riverside.

From 2012 to 201 he was on the board of ASX-quoted Australia Oriental Energy as a non-executive director.

He was a founder of Richmond Energy Partners, a small oil & gas research house, and several media companies that focus on the oil & gas sector, and has served as an advisor to Alliance Bernstein, Opus Executive, the Parkmead Group plc, and Kimmeridge Energy LLP. Since retiring from BP, he has undertaken asset and company valuation projects for investment banks, hedge funds and small oil companies.

Finding Petroleum
Finding Petroleum was established to help the oil and gas industry network, and stay up to date on t
9:40 Dr Duncan Irving - Practice Partner, oil and gas

Why Machine Learning in the oil industry is difficult

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Duncan Irving is the Oil & Gas Consulting Team Lead, EMEA & APAC with Teradata. Duncan joined Teradata from the University of Manchester where he instructed in geophysical interpretation and geocomputational methods for the last seven years. He was involved in consulting and research projects involving user interactions with massive subsurface datasets and more general upstream data management, and he continues to maintain research links as an honorary lecturer. One long term project was with Teradata and he drove the development of Teradata's capabilities in the Upstream Oil and Gas area. This time provided him with a deep understanding of the capabilities of Teradata and how they can best be used in the petroleum industry.
He is a geophysicist and also has a PhD in glacial geophysics and geotechnical engineering (why frozen ground moves faster during climate warming and how this affects infrastructure). Duncan lives in the hills outside Manchester with his wife and three children. He is a mountaineer, fell runner and is a card-carrying member of the CAMpaign for Real Ale.

Teradata is the world's largest company solely focused on creating enterprise agility through databa
10:15 Deborah Humphreville - Director energy, EMEAR

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence : Unlocking Geospatial Analytics for E&P

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Talk Description
The ability to rapidly analyze large amounts of data together with the increase in data availability are bringing new users and creating innovative geospatial applications.

Thanks to the power of the cloud, extensive experience in image processing and innovative machine learning approaches, users can now extract information at scale from geospatial data.

This presentation will focus on the benefits of the combination of satellite imagery and advanced geospatial analytics which enables E&P professionals to access over 100 Petabytes of high resolution-imagery and analyse them through DigitalGlobe’s Geospatial Big Data platform.
Over 28 years business background and technical experience in Information Technology, relating to energy business processes. Have identified problems and implemented effective and innovative integrated content and platform solutions to address financial and strategic analysis and business model recommendations.

Worked globally with companies such as Total, Eni, Shell, BP, Statoil, ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco. Have lived in Europe for the last 19 years, working for various technology companies. BA in Geophysical Sciences from Univ of Chicago, MS in Geology from Univ of So. Carolina and MBA from Houston Baptist University.

As a global leader of advanced space technology solutions, Maxar is at the nexus of the new space ec
10:50 Coffee & Tea; Exhibits
11:15 Waclaw (Wally) Jakubowicz - Managing Director
Hampton Data
Data and information management for a small and nimble oil and gas company

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Practical examples of how a small exploration and production company can distribute their workforce and virtualise their office using modern cloud based approach
Hampton Data Services (HDS) was established in 1991, as a geotechnical data processing company speci
11:50 David Bamford - Director
Future Energy Partners Ltd

Oil & Gas Analytics - working through large amounts of data to address the where (you drill) and how (you drill)

Talk Description
There seems to be a relatively sudden and growing realisation that the two criteria that have been used in the past to drive value in a shale player - having plenty of acreage in the right basin and then in the "sweet spot" - are no longer enough; performance is now important, paramount.

At its simplest, performance is driven by 1) Where you drill and 2) How you drill/complete/frack.
As a completely subjective observation by me, I would say the big weakness in US shalers = Where in the rocks you put the well; the strengths are in design and execution of the completion/frack = How.

[Perhaps this is because engineers dominate US shalers and they focus on How; there's not enough thinking and real insight by explorers on Where!]

However, as I will illustrate, advanced analytics allow us to work our way through very large amounts of data and address the Where and the How!
David Bamford is well known around the oil & gas industry both as an explorer and a geophysicist. He holds a Physics degree from the University of Bristol and a Ph.D in Geological Sciences from the University of Birmingham.

Since 2004, he has been a non-executive director at Tullow Oil plc, being recruited for this position especially for his exploration knowledge. He serves on the Nominations and Remuneration Committees, and was chairman of the latter, and Senior Independent Director, for 3 years prior to his retire from the board at the end of April 2014.

He joined the board of Premier Oil in May 2014.

He retired from BP plc in 2003, his last four positions being Chief Geophysicist (1990-1995), Business Unit Leader (General Manager) for first West Africa and then Norway (1995-1999), and finally Head of Exploration until 2003.

He has served on the boards of Paras Ltd, a small exploration and IS/IT consulting company in which he held 22% equity, until its sale to RPS Energy in 2008 and Welltec a/s, a Danish well engineering company, as the nominee of the private equity investor Riverside.
From 2012 to 201 he was on the board of ASX-quoted Australia Oriental Energy as a non-executive director.

He was a founder of Richmond Energy Partners, a small oil & gas research house, and several media companies that focus on the oil & gas sector, and has served as an advisor to Alliance Bernstein, Opus Executive, the Parkmead Group plc, and Kimmeridge Energy LLP. Since retiring from BP, he has undertaken asset and company valuation projects for investment banks, hedge funds and small oil companies.

Future Energy Partners Ltd
Future Energy Partners (FEP) is a unique oil and gas advisory service which prides itself on technic
12:25 Graham Scotton & Deb Grubbe - Founders, Director
Future Energy Partners Ltd

Near miss management - treat the root cause not the symptoms

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Future Energy Partners (FEP) is a unique oil and gas advisory service which prides itself on technic
13:00 Close: Lunch & Exhibits

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by Phil Birch from Impact Oil and Gas Ltd

"Interesting and industry relevant talks."


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