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New E&P Technologies

...more and more data is becoming available to us.
Speaker from
» Finding Petroleum x
Sion Roberts
» Director
» Eagle Eye Innovations
Rayane Hoballah
» Director and Co-founder
» Feather Tech

Full Agenda

Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Inmarsat Conference Centre

It is becoming clear that a new generation of desk-top applications is arriving in which it is possible to integrate multi-measurements - data from satellites, vehicles, outcrops, well logs/core, seismic, production history - at scales ranging from global, regional, basin, play, prospect, field, for interpretation and visualisation by multi-users, by a team of petro-technical professionals.

Integration will be a focus for this event.

At the same time, although progress in the processing and analysis of any sort of petro-technical data is important, for example the analysis of well and seismic data to define areas of brittle shale which are suitable for fracking, the main innovations in petroleum technology arise from step changes in our ability to acquire data or to control what we do.

Thus, this event will also focus on what’s happening in a few areas of "new technology", for example:

Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPAs)

Small RPAs are already used for activities such as:

  • Inspection of rigs, stacks and the like
  • Monitoring of pipelines
  • Site survey planning for seismic operations
  • Base-line, and follow-up, environmental surveys for, for example, well sites in ecologocally sensitive areas.

A big lesson from the agricultural sector is that the use of RPAs is an order of magnitude less expensive than buying costly satellite data (using the same technologies: SAR, infra-red, high resolution cameras).

But some RPAs are the size of executive jets! How much more is possible?

And what happens when we can take the InterNet to remote wildernesses?

Fibre Optics:

  • Which has a range of uses, onshore and offshore, such as down-hole 'listening' both for seismic and for production-related signals; permanent reservoir monitoring; site securit

Automation & Remote Control

  • Can we cause a 'disruptive' change in both the cost and safety of offshore or remote operations by relying on digital technology much more?

Our November Finding Petroleum Forum will address these technologies and, we hope, many more!

.If you would like to present at this event, please contact David Bamford via the website; if you would like to sponsor, or exhibit at, the event please contact Terry O’Donnell.

Media pack for this event


9:30 Welcome & Introduction: SESSION 1: INTEGRATION
9:40 Kieran Bowen - Geoscientist, 3D Module
Landmark Exploration Insights

Continental Scale Earth Modelling in DecisionSpace 5000.10 – A Central American Example

Kieran Bowen joined Neftex in 2012 as part of the Petroleum Systems team, learning source rock geochemistry whilst building the petroleum systems database. In 2013 he joined the 3D team where he focused on the construction of regional depth maps in Sub-Saharan Africa and has since been one of the contributors to the construction of regional depth maps in other regions. Kieran has an MSci from the University of Southampton.

Landmark Exploration Insights
Landmark Exploration Insights (formerly Neftex), is a product family within Landmark, a business lin
10:15 Jane Wheelwright - Technical Application Specialist
Dynamic Graphics

“Integration and Visualization of Emerging Technologies in E&P”

Dynamic Graphics, Inc. partners with clients to solve spatial analysis problems in the petroleum, en
10:50 Bill Green - Global Account Director
Hermes Data Communications

Tsunami Communications - A Familiar Analogy?

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Bill Green has had a varied career in telecommunications for over 25 years, none more varied than leading a team of engineers to Indonesia to recover communications after the Tsunami of 2004. Bill will describe the operation in the aftermath of the largest reported natural disaster in history and draw analogies of how this experience compares with and has informed Bill’s approach to providing remote site communications in the oil & gas sector, supporting both seismic data transfer as well as back office functions and crew welfare.

Hermes Data Communications
Hermes Datacomms, a company which provides satellite and data communications services specifically t
11:15 Coffee &Tea, Exhibits: followed by SESSION 2: REMOTELY PILOTED AIRCRAFT
11:40 Speaker from -
Finding Petroleum x


12:15 Sion Roberts - Director
Eagle Eye Innovations

Smaller RPAs - the range of sizes and their capabilities (Title TBC)

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Eagle Eye Innovations Ltd are a team of professional aviators who specialize in Unmanned Aerial Vehi
13:00 Lunch, Exhibits: followed by SESSION 3: NEW SEISMIC IDEAS
13:50 Rayane Hoballah - Director and Co-founder
Feather Tech

Airborne Seismic!

Rayane, director and co-founder of Feather Tech, has developed an acute sense for entrepreneurship from a young age. He assumed the responsibility of directing his first start-up at the age of 20, leading a university-wide consultancy agency to increase the profitability and functionality of numerous international engineering companies. Rayane is a graduate from the French Engineering School Grenoble INP, and is currently completing his PhD in Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London. His multidisciplinary skills and interests have lead him into a vast and exciting journey in the energy sector, from renewables and nuclear, to oil and gas, as well as Carbon Capture and Storage, a technology in which he is a firm believer, and he has chosen as the subject of his PhD thesis.

Feather Tech
Feather Tech is a company that aims to reduce the cost of onshore exploration, while providing high
14:25 David Hill - Chief Technology Officer
OptaSense Ltd

Life-of-well optimisation using fibre-optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)

Talk Description
It has been two decades since fibre-optic sensors were first deployed downhole for monitoring purposes. Although the uptake of point pressure and temperature fibre-optic sensors, as well as Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS), has been relatively slow, today they are accepted tools in the reservoir engineers arsenal of sensors that can be deployed to monitor wells. With the recent introduction of fibre-optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) the range of downhole monitoring applications and new capabilities has significantly increased and is poised to transform the industries ability to optimise well design and production throughout the life of the well. In this presentation we will show how DAS can be used in completions to evaluate the effectiveness of hydraulic fracture treatments. In production we will show how this technology is now being used to provide permanent on-demand flow monitoring and is being developed to also have a permanent microseismic monitoring capability. Also we will show how when used as a seismic receiver the DAS fibre is transforming the ability of operators to evaluate their reservoirs and optimise them in processes such as Enhanced Oil Recovery.
David is a QinetiQ Senior Fellow and the Chief Technology Officer at OptaSense. Since jointly founding OptaSense he has concentrated on developing the uses of DAS technology within the Oil & Gas industry. David has a BSc(Hons) in Imaging Sciences from the University of Westminster, London and a PhD in Physics, from the University of Kent in the UK.

OptaSense Ltd
Based in the UK, OptaSense is a wholly company of QinetiQ, a FTSE250 multinational defence technolog
15:00 Andy Bull - VP, Emerging Technology
INOVA Geophysical

Keeping Pace with the Needs of Onshore Seismic Exploration

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Talk Description
The needs of the seismic industry for onshore oil and gas exploration continue to expand. Concerns about the environment combined with the need for higher quality, higher productivity seismic data have continued to drive innovations in equipment. These primary drivers guide technology development and have yielded seismic recording systems which are lighter, use less power and can deliver superior quality results. Many of the innovations are due in part, to a merger of technologies which include source, system and sensor advances, creating a well-balanced marriage of basic capabilities. In addition to the hardware, an improved understanding of methods and field practices are delivering seismic data with impressive results.
INOVA was formed in March 2010 when BGP and ION Geophysical each contributed land seismic equipment
15:45 Exhibits & Refreshments (Coffee & Tea; Wine etc.)
17:00 Event Finish

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4D Visualization and Integration of DAS/DTS data from multiple wells
by Jane Wheelwright from Dynamic Graphics

"Data analytics. After the strong intro (as ever) talk content grew more interesting as the morning progressed. In addition, often pleasing to have new (young) talent on stage, especially so confident."


We are planning a further webinars program for 2024 -
If you may have an interesting story to share, please contact
Karl Jeffery on