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Lunch'n Think Webinar: Remote operations and digital twins - making them work in practise

"Digital Twins" are a key enabler of Remote Operations

Friday, February 26, 2021

Webinar led by Julian Pickering, CEO of Geologix Systems Integration, formerly BP Head of Digital Technology for Global Drilling and Completions and the Head of the BP Field of the Future Facilities Programme.

For the oil and gas industry to find its pathway to survival over the coming decades, it needs to keep costs of production down and keep emissions from operations down. Both of which mean ensuring production is happening at best efficiency. People need to have good awareness of what is going on, both onsite and remotely, and remote experts need to be able to offer useful support.

Technologies for doing this have been gradually developing over the past decade, and now environmental pressure, cost pressure, and also COVID-19, is encouraging more adoption.

In this webinar, Dr Julian Pickering, CEO of Geologix Systems Integration, formerly BP Head of Digital Technology for Global Drilling and Completions and the Head of the BP Field of the Future Facilities Programme will outline the most useful technologies, the best way to make them work, and answer questions / lead discussion about how to get them moving faster and better.

  • Moving from proof of concept to operational use of technology
  • Enabling people supporting remotely to have situation awareness as good as people who are actually there – without adding to the workload of people onsite,
  • Building ‘digital twins’ of operations – how to make them practical

  • How do you get maintenance data where you need it, including between suppliers and operators.
  • Moving digital technology to an orientation around situation awareness

The times in this schedule are UK time


12:00 Julian Pickering - CEO
Geologix Systems Integration Ltd

Remote operations and digital twins - making them work in practise

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Dr Julian Pickering has a degree in Applied Physics from Brunel University, London and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Cambridge University, where he was a BP scholar. He has worked for BP for 32 years and has held major posts including the Head of Digital Technology for Global Drilling and Completions and the Head of the Field of the Future Facilities Programme. He left BP in March 2010 and set up his own company, Digital Oilfield Solutions, with partners in the United States of America. He has provided consultancy services to many large Oil and Gas companies and is a consultant to the Energistics Data Standards Organisation.

Geologix Systems Integration Ltd
Geologix has been a leading supplier, for more than 25 years, of software tools and data interpretat
12:30 Q+A

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