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Lunch'n Think Webinar: Eliminating Methane Emissions & Flaring

....elimination is not a technical problem, the issue is getting into action!

Friday, February 19, 2021

The road to Carbon Neutral by 2050 or sooner must deal with the existing sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions - such as ongoing emissions from oil and gas production, principally from methane leaks and flaring - as well as the focus on increasing the share of renewable sources in the global energy mix.

Elimination is not a technical problem; gas that is being flared can be used for local electricity generation instead; valves and flanges can be greased and/or tightened; old equipment can be replaced. The issue is monitoring and measuring and acting.

Having the right tools for the systematic identification and mitigation of unplanned fugitive methane emissions - which account for ~1.5% of global GHG (40 million tonnes/year (MT) (International Energy Agency, 2020), is an essential part of the solution.

In this webinar, we will discuss the tools to help companies manage, measure, prioritise and mitigate your methane emissions - including the ones you do not know about. And how to start eliminating flaring.

The times in this schedule are UK time


12:00 Greg Coleman -
Future Energy Partners Ltd
Acting to eliminate emissions & flaring

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Talk Description
Across the world, countries and corporations are following a trajectory to achieving future carbon neutrality by increasing the dominance of renewable sources of energy.

Yet often the importance of reducing existing sources of Greenhouse gases (GHG) – such as those that come from gas flaring and unplanned emissions of methane - are overlooked.

Reducing such emissions can have a meaningful impact in reducing the overall global carbon footprint.

This Webinar is particularly focused on unplanned methane emissions also referred to as fugitive emissions. I demonstrate how a roadmap for the reduction of methane emissions can be developed, based on technical and economic analyses, with the systematic ranking of projects, and the development of solutions that meaningfully impact any company’s carbon footprint.

Greg has over 40 years experience in the oil and gas industry including over 30 years experience with BP plc following which he served as CEO of a private equity backed company he co-founded called Canamens and subsequently as CEO of a listed company on the London Stock Exchange called Independent Resources plc subsequently refinanced and renamed now called Echo Energy plc.

At BP, Greg served as Business Leader for BP Norway, Head of Investor Relations and finally as group Vice President for Health, Safety, Security and Environment at global remit before retiring in 2006.

Future Energy Partners Ltd
Future Energy Partners (FEP) is a unique oil and gas advisory service which prides itself on technic
12:30 Q&A
12:40 Close

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"Very informative presentations at play and field level, as well as global overviews, given by oil company representatives, much lower share of "advertisements" by contractors/consultants than usual."


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