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Finding Opportunities in Southern Africa

Reviewing the potential oil and gas industry in Southern Africa
Paul Carey
» Getech
Mike Doherty
» Executive Chairman
» Impact Oil and Gas Ltd

Full Agenda

Wednesday, January 9, 2013
The Geological Society

A special event with the support of the South African dti, from the High Commission of South Africa

This event reviews the scope for oil & gas exploration and production in Southern Africa, including Nambia, Mozambique, Tanzania and South Africa. It is organised with the support of the High Commission of South Africa dti group (Department of Trade and Industry).

A sensible point to start is to consider the large gas resources that have been reported for Mozambique and Tanzania. When will these be converted to reserves and when might we see production, for the putative LNG schemes..... Given the large amount of global LNG-scale gas that has recently been discovered, not least in the USA, perhaps the earliest offshore gas production (from Mozambique) lies beyond 2020 and a categorisation as reserves must await the first signed gas contracts (as Shell discovered, to their cost, in Nigeria almost 10 years ago). Perhaps the earliest gas production will in fact be from onshore South Africa (for example, shale gas, or coal bed methane plays associated with South Africa's massive coal reserves)?

Offshore oil discoveries may reach production relatively rapidly. Are there 'oily' exploration opportunities in the region, for example, is the Namibian sub-salt play equivalent to, or at least similar to, the prolific plays offshore Brasil? And what about South Africa itself?

If the oil and gas industry develops in Southern Africa, it means there will be a need for a range of services, particularly engineering contracting. Additionally, access to large amounts of gas could drive the growth of a domestic chemicals industry.

South Africa itself offers access to skills and general infrastructure, including port facilities. UK companies seeking opportunities in South Africa might be able to take advantage of the bi-lateral UK-South Africa Trade Agreement which aims to double trade between UK and South Africa by 2015.

Call for speakers: We are looking for speakers with interesting stories to tell about the Southern Africa oil and gas industry and how to develop it. Our business model for this event is that there will be no admission fee charged to delegates, and we will seek sponsorships from companies speaking - please contact David Bamford to discuss further.


9:00 Arrivals and Registration. Tea & Coffee
9:30 David Bamford - Director
Finding Petroleum

Chairman's introduction

David Bamford is well known around the oil & gas industry both as an explorer and a geophysicist. He holds a Physics degree from the University of Bristol and a Ph.D in Geological Sciences from the University of Birmingham.

Since 2004, he has been a non-executive director at Tullow Oil plc, being recruited for this position especially for his exploration knowledge. He serves on the Nominations and Remuneration Committees, and was chairman of the latter, and Senior Independent Director, for 3 years prior to his retire from the board at the end of April 2014.

He was on the board of Premier Oil from May 2014 to May 2016.

He retired from BP plc in 2003, his last four positions being Chief Geophysicist (1990-1995), Business Unit Leader (General Manager) for first West Africa and then Norway (1995-1999), and finally Head of Exploration until 2003.

He has served on the boards of Paras Ltd, a small exploration and IS/IT consulting company in which he held 22% equity, until its sale to RPS Energy in 2008 and Welltec a/s, a Danish well engineering company, as the nominee of the private equity investor Riverside.

From 2012 to 201 he was on the board of ASX-quoted Australia Oriental Energy as a non-executive director.

He was a founder of Richmond Energy Partners, a small oil & gas research house, and several media companies that focus on the oil & gas sector, and has served as an advisor to Alliance Bernstein, Opus Executive, the Parkmead Group plc, and Kimmeridge Energy LLP. Since retiring from BP, he has undertaken asset and company valuation projects for investment banks, hedge funds and small oil companies.

Finding Petroleum
Finding Petroleum was established to help the oil and gas industry network, and stay up to date on t
9:40 Oswald Clint - Senior Analyst
Bernstein Research

Future global LNG flows and the realities of East African gas

Dr Clint joined Sanford C. Bernstein in 2004 and was part of the Energy Team with Neil McMahon covering the Global Integrated Oil sector.

Currently he is the Senior Research Analyst covering the European E&P and Russian Oil & Gas sectors. The Bernstein Energy franchise has become well known due to both the provocative commentary on the commodities and oil stocks, as well as the innovative research that forms the core of their frequent publications. Previously, he worked as an accountant and consultant for KPMG covering energy, gas, and chemical sectors. Dr Clint received his PhD in Geophysics from University College London where he specialised in sub-surface rock physics and is also a Chartered Accountant.

Bernstein Research
Sanford C. Bernstein is widely recognized as Wall Street's premier sell-side research firm. Their re
10:15 Paul Carey -

The Petroleum Geology of South Africa - a glance onshore and a deep look offshore

For over 25 years, we've been using our data and geoscience expertise to help the oil and mining ind
10:50 Coffee & tea
11:15 Paul Main -
Infield Systems Ltd

The Southern Africa oil & gas sector: analysis and forecast

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Talk Description
This presentation will review current operations offshore in Southern and Eastern Africa, and new opportunties in both these areas, and conclude with a services market analysis for subsea wells, pipeline installations, control line installations, platforms and finally CAPEX.
Infield Systems is an independent energy research and analysis firm that is dedicated to the provisi
11:50 Neil Hodgson - VP geoscience
Searcher Seismic

The Hydrocarbon case for the Southern African offshore Orange Basin

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Neil Hodgson is VP Searcher Seismic, a company which provides high quality exploration data and leading edge tech to the global exploration industries. He is formerly executive VP geoscience with Spectrum ASA, and exploration manager at Matra Petroleum, Premier Oil and GB Group.

Searcher Seismic
Searcher provides high quality exploration data and leading edge tech to the global exploration indu
12:25 Mike Doherty - Executive Chairman
Impact Oil and Gas Ltd

Exploring offshore South Africa’s eastern coast

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Talk Description
Impact Oil & Gas Limited has built up a substantial exploration acreage position consisting of 76,000 km2 of frontier exploration blocks along the eastern coastline of South Africa. The acreage includes the Tugela Cone; the Transkei/Algoa transform margin blocks and the inshore West Bredasdorp blocks – just to the west of the PetroSA producing fields in the Mossel Bay area. Impact’s presentation will deal with its experience in acquiring this acreage and its exploration programmes to date. In particular, the challenges in seismic acquisition will be discussed and the solutions found to optimise data quality. Data examples from Impact’s acreage over the Tugela Cone will be presented together with Impact’s ideas of the hydrocarbon potential of its entire acreage. The final part of the presentation will cover Impact’s plans for further exploration in the area.
Impact Oil and Gas was founded in 2009 by experienced geoscientists who subsequently targeted a numb
13:00 Raffle prize draw by EPI; followed by lunch & refreshments

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Real-time collaborative support of your global drilling operations
by Nicholas Gibson from Kongsberg

"I most enjoyed Patrick Coole's presentation and the findings using the seismic data over the open blocks in Cote d'Ivoire."


We are planning a further webinars program for 2024 -
If you may have an interesting story to share, please contact
Karl Jeffery on