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Finding Oil and Gas in Sub Saharan Africa

Building on the success of Kosmos, Tullow and more in West and East Africa
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Chris Matchette-Downes
» founder
» East Africa Oil Group
Rogers Beall
» Executive chairman
» Africa Fortesa
Mikki Hall
» Chief Marketing Officer
» Virtual University of Uganda
Dr. Anongporn Intawong
» Team Leader Geoscientist
» Spectrum
Felicia Winter
» Interpretation Geophysicist/Potential Field Analyst

Full Agenda

Monday, June 25, 2018
The Geological Society

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Chris Matchette-Downes, founder of the East Africa Oil Group, presented his group's work on understanding Western Indian Ocean hydrocarbons - based on analysing oil samples, potential field data (gravity / magnetic), continental reconstruction and geological understanding.

Rogers Beall, chairman of FORTESA talked about opportunities in the "MGSBC" basin (The Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau and Guinea Conakry). FORTESA claims to be Northwest Africa’s only fully vertical integrated oil and gas company.

We had talks from seismic companies Spectrum and TGS, and the Virtual University of Uganda, training petroleum engineering skills via distance learning.

This event continues from our:

"Finding East and Southern Africa oil and gas" event in February 2017
download our report view the agenda view the delegates list

And our "Finding African oil" event in January 2016
download our report view the agenda view the delegates list


9:30 David Bamford - Director
Finding Petroleum

Welcome & Introduction

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David Bamford is well known around the oil & gas industry both as an explorer and a geophysicist. He holds a Physics degree from the University of Bristol and a Ph.D in Geological Sciences from the University of Birmingham.

Since 2004, he has been a non-executive director at Tullow Oil plc, being recruited for this position especially for his exploration knowledge. He serves on the Nominations and Remuneration Committees, and was chairman of the latter, and Senior Independent Director, for 3 years prior to his retire from the board at the end of April 2014.

He was on the board of Premier Oil from May 2014 to May 2016.

He retired from BP plc in 2003, his last four positions being Chief Geophysicist (1990-1995), Business Unit Leader (General Manager) for first West Africa and then Norway (1995-1999), and finally Head of Exploration until 2003.

He has served on the boards of Paras Ltd, a small exploration and IS/IT consulting company in which he held 22% equity, until its sale to RPS Energy in 2008 and Welltec a/s, a Danish well engineering company, as the nominee of the private equity investor Riverside.

From 2012 to 201 he was on the board of ASX-quoted Australia Oriental Energy as a non-executive director.

He was a founder of Richmond Energy Partners, a small oil & gas research house, and several media companies that focus on the oil & gas sector, and has served as an advisor to Alliance Bernstein, Opus Executive, the Parkmead Group plc, and Kimmeridge Energy LLP. Since retiring from BP, he has undertaken asset and company valuation projects for investment banks, hedge funds and small oil companies.

Finding Petroleum
Finding Petroleum was established to help the oil and gas industry network, and stay up to date on t
9:35 Chris Matchette-Downes - founder
East Africa Oil Group

The origin and distribution of Western Indian Ocean hydrocarbons and likely location of commercial oil – EAOG’s approach using its oils data, potential fields, continental reconstruction and petroleum geological understanding

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Talk Description
As the name suggests East Africa Oil Group or EAOG is a group created to explore for oil plays along the flanks of the Western Indian Ocean from Cape Town northwards to Somalia and oceanwards from Madagascar to the Comoros, Seychelles and the Cambay region of India.

The group comprises five explorers who have been continuously active in this region, either individually and collectively, with various companies over the last couple of decades. During that time some 270 oil occurrences have been examined, mostly by directly obtaining and analysing oil samples. The results are now integrated with their local and plate settings. The result is that EAOF understand the origin and distribution of the East Africa margin hydrocarbons and are able to determine where commercial oil will most likely be found.

The Finding Petroleum presentation will both explain our approach and provide insight into the our understanding of this emerging hydrocarbon province.
Chris has been in the upstream business for over 30 years, including time with BP, BG and more recently Black Marlin Energy. A petroleum geochemist, Chris is well-respected for work done in both East Africa and in the greater Caribbean region and has undertaken several geoscientific reviews of the region since 2003. He was a founder of Black Marlin which was sold in 2010 for 100 + mln USD. He is a renowned expert and often speaks at international conferences and seminars on the subject of oil and gas exploration. In addition, he has a track record of finding and securing commercial deals. MSc., BSc., CGeol

East Africa Oil Group
As the name suggests East Africa Oil Group or EAOG is a group created to explore for oil plays along
10:10 Rogers Beall - Executive chairman
Africa Fortesa

The MSGBC’s proven Super Giant petroleum system and where FORTESA’s contribution to uncovering it has been focused

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Talk Description
- How the MSGBC basin delivered the world's largest oil field discoveries (2014) and largest gas field discoveries (2016)
- Where discovered hydrocarbons came from / how new proof of multiple source rocks may expand the MSGBC play area searches
- Why it the MSGBC was neglected for so long
- Fortesa's fully vertical Operations Structure, i.e. Upstream, Midstream and Downstream using local capability instead of outsourcing

Note: MSGBC Basin is Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau and Guinea Conakry
Africa Fortesa has three subsidiary companies: FORTESA International, Senegal's only producing oil company actively drilling in onshore Senegal; Africa Onshore Drilling, Northwest Africa's only active onshore drilling company resident & based in Senegal; and Senegas, NW Africa's only pipeline company for delivering gas for power production from interior Senegal to the Dakar Senegal metropolitan area.

Africa Fortesa

10:45 Mikki Hall - Chief Marketing Officer
Virtual University of Uganda

Meeting East Africa's oil and gas training needs through high quality online learning

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Talk Description

  • Discoveries of several billion barrels of oil and hundreds of TCF of natural gas in Eastern Africa in recent years, for sale to markets around the Indian Ocean. It may be the most exciting place in the world for resource extractive industries today.
  • Challenges training local staff - including travel costs and visa difficulties for training in traditional western institutions, lack of high quality local institutions, need for training without taking workers out of employment
  • Challenges to western oil companies in meeting local content requirements
  • Similar training challenges in mining, agriculture and tourism
  • Rebranding of Virtual University of Uganda as Nexus International University, to meet these challenges with high quality online masters programs

Mikki is a creative, results driven market strategist with a proven track record of achieving market share targets and driving change. This includes defining competitive market strategies in fast-paced international education environments including product, pricing, proposition, brand and integrated campaigns.
Experienced in product development and launch, Mikki has introduced agile product development processes to ensure proposed products are relevant, competitive and reach market quickly. This includes launch of new and innovative online and blended learning offers.
A strategic thinker and leader of major customer focused change programmes, Mikki’s hands-on approach always keeps a strong focus on customer needs, analytics and data-driven customer acquisition and retention. Matched with her digital achievements on transformation programmes in implementing CRM and CMS systems, email, website and social media solutions she works tirelessly to get the strategy right and then drive it through delivery.

Virtual University of Uganda
The Virtual University of Uganda (VUU) is a private university, fully licenced by the Uganda Nationa
11:10 Coffee & Tea; Exhibits
11:35 Dr. Anongporn Intawong - Team Leader Geoscientist

Oil prospects in the Mozambique channel: Where incipient subduction meets passive margin

Spectrum is established as a key player in the seismic services market. The company focuses on deliv
12:10 Felicia Winter - Interpretation Geophysicist/Potential Field Analyst

Somaliland reveals untested plays on TGS data

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With a background in potential field data analysis and interpretation gained during various offshore expeditions with the Polar and Marine Research Institute 'Alfred-Wegener-Institute Bremerhaven' (Germany) Felicia has worked the past 5 years in TGS’ Geotechnical Interpretation team, before she joined the Africa and Middle East group. TGS now extensively incorporates gravity and magnetic crustal modelling studies as part of regional seismic interpretation products, assessing new frontiers and survey planning.

As an experienced geoscientist her work focussed on seismic facies and play fairway analyses of 2D and 3D surveys and basin modelling. Including potential field data analyses in any study has the advantage of identifying the tectonic framework in the study area - a necessary step when entering a little explored basin. Thermal modelling is also a crucial component of TGS’ onshore products and well based studies with the objective of a full prospectivity or potential exploration assessment.

TGS is the world's largest geoscience data company, known for its asset-light, multi-client business
12:45 Close: Lunch & Exhibits

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The Carpathians
by Mark Enfield from Aurelian Oil & Gas

"A real eye opener to the future opportunities and life after North Sea oil and gas."

Mark Robinson (Oil and Gas Consultancy)


We are planning a further webinars program for 2024 -
If you may have an interesting story to share, please contact
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