Finding Oil and Gas in Sub Saharan Africa diversity, opportunity!
Paul Dailly
» Senior Vice President and Chief Geoscientist Founding Partner
» Kosmos Energy
Phil Birch
» Exploration Director
» Impact Oil and Gas Ltd
Karyna Rodriguez
» Searcher Seismic
Tom Bacon
» Intelligence Director
» Protection Group International
Full Agenda
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
The Geological Society

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What is the most sensible way to think about Sub-Saharan Africa? Perhaps by region? NW & West Africa are different from East Africa and Southern Africa is different again.
Another ‘cut’ is to think about gas and oil:
There is ‘Big Gas’ – LNG scale - offshore Mocambique and Tanzania, and now offshore Senegal and Mauritania, and in Nigeria. Will any of it be able to compete with US (Shale Gas) or Australian LNG?
There is also Gas onshore in Tanzania, there is some offshore Namibia, perhaps more suitable for in-country gas-to-power.…..
As to Oil, there is obviously major offshore production from Ghana, Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Angola. And onshore there are significant discoveries in the East African rift with Uganda and Kenya leading the way; and perhaps there is a significant oil play to be made along the coast of Kenya – Tanzania – Mocambique……and, some would assert, offshore South Africa.
In reality, then, Sub-Saharan Africa is quite diverse petroleum-wise; which is one reason it has been seen as a good place to be.
In each province, we should consider Regional Politics/Security; Petroleum Geology (especially new insights); new data; opportunities; and which companies are best place to deliver, whether that be LNG, offshore oil production or regional energy supply; in particular where are the opportunities for UK companies?
Note: This event continues from our well-attended "Finding East and Southern Africa oil and gas" event in February 2017 -
download our report - see the agenda - see the delegates list
And our Finding African oil event in Jan 2016
Download our report - see the agenda - see the attendees list
Neil Hodgson is VP Searcher Seismic, a company which provides high quality exploration data and leading edge tech to the global exploration industries. He is formerly executive VP geoscience with Spectrum ASA, and exploration manager at Matra Petroleum, Premier Oil and GB Group.
Searcher Seismic Searcher provides high quality exploration data and leading edge tech to the global exploration indu More... | |
Talk Description Historically, in West Africa, upstream E ad P has been dominated by the Tertiary hydrocarbon provinces of the Niger and Congo deltas on/offshore Nigeria and Angola / Congo, together with the intervening onshore / shallow water Cretaceous plays of the West Africa Salt Basin. These provinces were for many years, and indeed still are to some extent, the preserve of the majors, super - majors and NOC's, for reasons initially related to colonial heritage and G2G relationships post - independence, and subsequently, with the advent of deepwater, due to their strong financial and operational capability.
For decades, however, from the 1970's through to the 1990's, significant exploration drilling, initially by the large IOC's, and later by the independents who had limited access to the proven, established hydrocarbon provinces, was undertaken in an attempt to open frontier / emerging basins along the Atlantic seaboard of West Africa north of the equator. Evidence of working petroleum systems was widespread, and technical success was common. Nevertheless, no new, commercially - significant oil and gas basins were unlocked.
Since the late 1990's, many companies drilled numerous dry holes and made sub - commercial discoveries, destroying significant shareholder value, damaging corporate reputations, and losing their license to explore, often in failed attempts to replicate the success of others. In the meantime, Kosmos and its predecessor company, Triton Energy, have been instrumental in delivering serial exploration success across this geography over last twenty years, playing a key role in opening each of the three, new deepwater Cretaceous basins unlocked in the region, including the Rio Muni, Tano and MSGBC basins offshore Equatorial Guinea, Ghana and Mauritania / Senegal respectively, and discovering more than 2BBO and over 50TCF in the process.
The drivers of this serial track record of exploration success, including the creative thinking and contrarian ideas and concepts, as well as the counter - cyclical strategies and initiatives will be discussed, together with the new exploration themes and opportunities which may unlock the significant remaining hydrocarbon potential and lead to further commercial oil and gas finds in the future. |
Kosmos Energy is a pathfinding oil and gas exploration and production company focused on frontier an More... | |
Phil brings over 30 years upstream oil and gas technical and business leadership experience to Impact. He has spent over 15 years with Enterprise Oil, where he took leading roles in high impact exploration and production projects. He has subsiquently built and sold three successful start-up businesses, providing significant shareholder returns and has worked with a number of Africa/Mediterranean focussed junior oil companies, including Grove Petroleum and Black Star Petroleum. Phil is a fellow at the Geological Society and holds an MBA MCS in petroleum geology.
Impact Oil and Gas Ltd Impact Oil and Gas was founded in 2009 by experienced geoscientists who subsequently targeted a numb More... | |
Petroleum geoscientist with 25 years of multidisciplinary experience in global offshore and onshore exploration inclined projects. She worked in companies like BG and PEMEX gaining diverse experience from regional play and prospect generation and evaluation, to working closely with high level management on their portfolio strategies.
Searcher Seismic Searcher provides high quality exploration data and leading edge tech to the global exploration indu More... | |
Talk Description MC3D = multiclient 3D AGC Central = Agency Management and Cooperation between Guinea Bissau and Senegal (A joint government cooperation between the two countries. Again common knowledge amongst African explorers) MSGBC Basin (Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau and Guinea Conakry) |
Lyme Bay Consulting's Detailed Reconnaissance Study (DRS) workflow will identify all the structu More... | |
PGI is a privately owned UK business offering integrated, intelligence-led risk management solutions More... | |