Finding Enough Oil & Gas in NW Europe
An expert update on NW Europe E+P potential- offshore, margins and unconventionals
£50 (early bird)
Hamish Wilson
» CEO & Founder
» BluEnergy
Graham Scotton
» University of Manchester
Sarah Laird
» Regional Geoscientist
» Landmark Exploration Insights
Full Agenda
Thursday, March 12, 2015
The Geological Society

We invite you to register for our Finding Petroleum conference in London on March 12th, "Finding Enough Gas in North West Europe", for an expert update on the best ways to impove UK / NW Europe exploration potential, looking at getting more out of existing offshore and onshore basins, pushing further into the frontiers, and developing unconventionals.
This conference is for people who would like to keep up to speed with the latest thinking about how UK / NW Europe exploration and production can be improved.
Hamish Wilson, principal of SLR Consulting and president of the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain, will start by giving his take on what is required to get exploration back on track.
There will be a debate on the best way to generate momentum for North West Europe oil and gas, with Greg Coleman, CEO of AIM listed energy company Independent Resources Group; Graham Scrotton, formely CEO, Dana Petroleum plc; and Hamish Wilson, Principal, SLR & President, PESGB. The conference and discussion will be chaired by David Bamford, a current non executive director of Premier Oil.
After lunch, Sarah Laird, regional geoscientist with Neftex, will explain what it might be possible to find at the edge of North West Europe.
Dr David Jackson, global manager of multiclient new ventures with Dolphin Geophysical, will present an overview of the Barents Sea potential.
Stephen Rippington, senior geoscientist exploration with ARKeX will talk about what might be possible exploring with broadband gravity areas in frontier areas such as the Southeast Barents Sea.
We look forward to meeting you there!
Introduction from conference chairman David Bamford:
We have 3 options to ensure we do not depend on Russia, Qatar and others.
1. Revive the UKCS and NOCS
The cold wind of a plunging oil price adds to the problems faced by the mature UKCS and NOCS producing provinces which were challenged by poor economic returns even with prices greater than $100/barrel.
In part this is due to exponentiating costs and project delays.
In part it is due to the failure of oil & gas companies to establish a significant enough reserves base, probably by a combination of inadequate performance in the following areas:
· Exploration for new fields
· Exploitation of existing discoveries
· Reservoir Management of recently developed fields
· Deployment of IOR/EOR technologies.
One intriguing option to drive a revival is consolidation of smaller players, where a sub-regional or regional operator can control adequate reserves (500 million barrels, say) and exploit cost synergies, such that the overall asset becomes splendidly economic.
2. Explore at the Margins
Can we expect any contribution via exploration success at the 'edge' of NW Europe, for example in the Mediterranean, the Atlantic or the Barents?
3. Get onshore Unconventionals moving
It is clear that NW Europe contains some shales with considerable resource potential - the Kimmeridge Clay, the Posidinia, possibly the Bowland. But the degree of political support varies, from fairly strong in the UK to non-existent in France, and societal opposition seems uniformly strong. The "pioneer" resource companies have done a poor job of winning popular support.
What can be done to move NW European Unconventionals beyond the "contested research" stage?
David Bamford
Mr Wilson was previously founder and managing director of Paras Consulting, which was acquired by RPS Energy in October 2008. He worked as an exploration geologist at BP covering the North Sea, South East Asia and Alaska, and then became BP's project manager of corporate database development.
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Formerly CEO of Dana Petroleum
University of Manchester The University of Manchester is a public research university located in Manchester, United Kingdom. More... | |
Future Energy Partners (FEP) is a unique oil and gas advisory service which prides itself on technic More... | |
Talk Description Exploration interest in the European Atlantic margin has been driven in part by exploration success in the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea and West of Shetland on the European margin and the Bay du Nord discovery and historic success in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin and Scotian Shelf on the Canadian conjugate margin. This suggests the potential for exploration success elsewhere on the European Atlantic margin but difficult drilling conditions, economics and lack of geological knowledge has hampered exploration in these challenging frontier areas. To date, exploration at the margins of Northwest Europe has been geographically limited in focus and success. The play potential of Atlantic basins such as offshore Ireland (Rockall, Porcupine and Goban Spur) and offshore Spain and Portugal (Galicia Interior and Lusitanian Basins) and the potential for targeting plays of different ages and different trap types in the Norwegian Sea and West of Shetland can be evaluated. This involves considering the geodynamic evolution of the Atlantic margin and the impact of global and regional events when suggesting the type of play elements and plays that might be present in the deeper waters of the European offshore. |
Sarah Laird joined Neftex in 2007 as part of a team working on the regional geology of the Indian Subcontinent. Since 2010 she has worked as a geoscientist with a focus on Europe, with a particular interest in the geology of the North Atlantic and the Adriatic, and presently works as a regional geoscientist with a focus on both large scale global projects and smaller scale regional projects. Sarah has a BSc from the University of St. Andrews.
Landmark Exploration Insights Landmark Exploration Insights (formerly Neftex), is a product family within Landmark, a business lin More... | |
David has more than 30 years of experience working in the oil industry, most of it spent in exploration with BP and development/production with Chevron. David graduated in geology at the University of Leicester in 1976, and obtained a PhD at Birmingham University (1979). From 1979-1984 David was a Research Fellow in Hydrogeology followed by a Research Fellowship in Civil Engineering at Birmingham University. During his time with BP he worked on many petroleum systems including the North Sea, Gulf of Mexico, SE Asia and W Africa. In Chevron, before joining the global reservoir asset management team, his major projects included the geosteering of extended reach horizontal wells in the Alba Field up to its plateau production in the late 90s, and from 2000-2006 he worked on the Greater Burgan Field in Kuwait where he led a subsurface team responsible for the reservoir management involving the drilling of over 140 wells in an attempt to increase production after the ravages of the Iraq invasion in the early 90s. In 2008 David joined ARKeX as VP of their Interpretation Services, and this year he joined Dolphin Geophysical as Global Manager Multi-Client New Ventures.
Dolphin Geophysical Dolphin Geophysical is a global, full-range supplier of marine geophysical services. Dolphin operate More... | |
ARKeX provides airborne and marine geophysical surveys for the oil & gas exploration industry. It sp More... | |