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Finding African Oil

Invest in Africa! but where?
Stuart Amor
» Future Energy Partners Ltd
Phil Birch
» Exploration Director
» Impact Oil and Gas Ltd
Nigel Quinton
» Head of Exploration
» Tower Resources
Ray MacSweeny
» Director of Energy & Assets Advisory
» Ernst & Young

Full Agenda

Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Royal Society of Chemistry

The “Scramble for Africa” continues, with the energetic pursuit of resources being balanced by manifestly escalating security issues and political change.

The focus of this event will be on leading edge exploration, with hotspots being - Shale oil/gas, West African offshore subsalt (or pre-salt), interior intracatonic basins and of course East Africa, with the extending oily rift plays of Uganda and Kenya possibly extending to the north (into Ethiopia) and to the south (perhaps as far as Malawi).

For this full day event, we invite insightful presentations on this range of topics. So please get in contact if you or your company would like to present, exhibit or sponsor this event.

David Bamford

Note: This event continues from our past Africa events held in

March 2014 - view the agenda view the delegates list

April 2013 - view the agenda view the delegates list


8:45 Arrivals, Registration, Tea & Coffee
9:30 Welcome & Introduction: SESSION 1: CONTEXT
9:40 Stuart Amor -
Future Energy Partners Ltd

Company winners and losers in Africa

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Stuart has worked at both bulge bracket and regional European investment banks (Credit Suisse, ING and Unicredit). He has followed the global oil and gas sector since graduating from business school over 15 years ago, covering all types of oil and gas companies (including the European majors, Russian oil and gas companies and junior names). Stuart has written the research for several oil and gas equity raisings and was Credit Suisse’s lead analyst in both LUKoil’s and Gazprom’s IPOs in Russia. As Head of Equity Research at ING, he has overseen the research of more than a dozen other transactions.

Future Energy Partners Ltd
Future Energy Partners (FEP) is a unique oil and gas advisory service which prides itself on technic
10:15 Mathias Muindi - Senior Africa Analyst
BBC Monitoring

East Africa Exploration: Latent Security & Political Challenges 2015

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Established in 1939, BBC Monitoring, is a leading provider of open source information and analysis t
10:50 Coffee & Tea, followed by SESSION 2: OFFSHORE
11:15 Kathleen Gould - Regional Geoscientist
Landmark Exploration Insights

‘Around Sub-Saharan Africa in 300 Plays’

Kathleen joined Neftex in early 2012 working as a regional geoscientist for the Sub-Saharan Africa team. She has previously worked for the Geological Survey of Canada, Imperial Oil and as a sedimentologist on the play fairway analysis project of offshore eastern Canada with Saint Mary’s University and the Offshore Energy Research Association of Nova Scotia. Although primarily a petroleum geoscientist, she has also worked in mineral exploration in northern Canada and as a GIS specialist. Kathleen has an MSc of Applied Science in Geology from Saint Mary’s University, in Halifax, Canada, with a thesis topic of chlorite diagenesis and reservoir quality in Early Cretaceous sandstones of the Missisauga Formation in the Scotian Basin.

Landmark Exploration Insights
Landmark Exploration Insights (formerly Neftex), is a product family within Landmark, a business lin
11:50 Phil Birch - Exploration Director
Impact Oil and Gas Ltd

The Aptian couplet -- an emerging exploration play across Southern Africa

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Phil brings over 30 years upstream oil and gas technical and business leadership experience to Impact. He has spent over 15 years with Enterprise Oil, where he took leading roles in high impact exploration and production projects. He has subsiquently built and sold three successful start-up businesses, providing significant shareholder returns and has worked with a number of Africa/Mediterranean focussed junior oil companies, including Grove Petroleum and Black Star Petroleum. Phil is a fellow at the Geological Society and holds an MBA MCS in petroleum geology.

Impact Oil and Gas Ltd
Impact Oil and Gas was founded in 2009 by experienced geoscientists who subsequently targeted a numb
12:25 Nigel Quinton - Head of Exploration
Tower Resources
Tower Resources – Building a high impact exploration portfolio in Africa

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Talk Description
Tower’s recent activity under a new management team has resulted in a rapidly expanded footprint across sub-Saharan Africa during 2013/14. This talk will highlight some of the ups and downs experienced so far, and how we anticipate achieving our strategic objectives in 2015 and beyond. It will focus not just on opportunities but on how junior explorers can contribute and survive in the challenging world of frontier exploration.
Tower Resources plc is an AIM-listed, London-based, independent oil and gas exploration company with
13:00 Lunch & Exhibits
13:45 Mark Jones - Business Development Manager

Opportunities and Challenges in Deepwater West Africa Projects

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Talk Description
The Gulf of Guinea has been a major oil province for over fifty years, but over the past ten years the region has seen a rapid growth in the number of developments in deep water. From the massive Bonga development to smaller subsea tie-backs, oil and gas production has moved to water depths of 2,000 metres and more. The challenges in moving further offshore and into deeper, frontier areas of West Africa are not purely technical. Bringing North Sea and Gulf of Mexico expertise to the Gulf of Guinea has led to important discussions on how the areas economies can best benefit not just from the hydrocarbon production but from the development of indigenous technical expertise and the establishment of a supply chain which can export to other countries. This presentation looks at several of the projects which have been completed and also some in progress to highlight these challenges.
INTECSEA is one of the world's leading and most experienced deepwater engineering companies, special
14:20 Session 3: ONSHORE
14:25 Ray MacSweeny - Director of Energy & Assets Advisory
Ernst & Young

Onshore East Africa - the impact of onshore success in East Africa on returns to investors

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Talk Description
This talk will review the recent history of onshore exploration in East Africa, and their impact on operators. It will consider the current path to development and production, how this may be impacted in period of prolonged reduction in global oil prices, and other changes in the legislative and legal environments that may impact long term returns.
Ray is a director in EY's Oil and Gas Strategy practice. He specialises in new country entry strategy, local content in emerging markets, management of non-technical risk and operating model design.

Ernst & Young
With rising global energy demand, the oil and gas industry has a wide range of challenges and opport
15:00 Paul Markwick - Technical Director

The palaeogeographic evolution of Africa: applications in exploration

Talk Description
The variation in hydrocarbon prospectivity around Africa reflects a diverse tectonic and depositional history. The question is to what extent can exploration risk be mitigated by understanding these relationships: how tectonics affects the evolution of heatflow, trap development and accommodation space; the role of depositional processes in dictating the distribution and character of source, reservoir and seal facies.

In this presentation we will look at the relationship of a selection of known discoveries and plays from around Africa in the context of palaeogeography, tectonics and surface processes to see whether any insights can be gleaned and what this might indicate for future exploration.
Paul has over 25 years experience in academia and industry. He began his career at BP back in the 1980s where his work included upwelling predictions using conceptual climate models, palaeogeographic mapping, cyclostratigraphy and oil from coals. In 1989 he started his PhD with Professor Fred Ziegler, as part of the Paleogeographic Atlas Project at the University of Chicago. His work on palaeoclimate proxies brought together palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, database design and management and statistics. This was followed by a post-doc with Professors Paul Valdes and Bruce Sellwood at the University of Reading applying palaeoclimate models to the southwest African coast as an exploration tool for placer diamonds. In 1998 he joined Robertson Research (now CGG-Robertson) where he developed the palaeogeographic and predictive source rock models, which subsequently became central to the “Merlin” project. He joined Getech at the end of 2004 to set up the Petroleum Systems Evaluation Group and became group manager in 2006. He joined Getech’s board in 2008 as Geological Director and became Technical Director in 2010.

Paul continues to actively pursue academic research and has convened two conferences on Palaeogeography (Cambridge 2008) and Predictive Lithofacies Modelling (Snowbird 2006), as well as publishing numerous papers on topics as diverse as glacioeustacy, Antarctic tectonics and palaeogeography, database design, the K/T extinction, biodiversity and climate, palaeoclimate proxies and drainage analysis.

Paul has is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Universities of Bristol and Leeds.

For over 25 years, we've been using our data and geoscience expertise to help the oil and mining ind
15:35 Ben Young - Business Development Geophysicist

Airborne gravity gradiometer surveying of petroleum systems under Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania

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Talk Description
This paper was written by Doug Roberts(Beach Energy), Priyanka Roy Chowdhury(CGG), Sharon J. Lowe(CGG), and Asbjorn Norlund Christensen(CGG)

Beach Energy has been the sole interest holder and operator of the 7,200 km2 Lake Tanganyika South block since 2010. The block is located within the western arm of the East African Rift System. The prospectivity of the lake sequence was enhanced by large oil discoveries in the similar geological environment of Lake Albert in Uganda and in the eastern part of the rift in Kenya. The lack of wells drilled in the lake to date make predicting sedimentary sections difficult.

In 2010 Beach Energy commissioned CGG to fly a FALCON Airborne Gravity Gradiometer (AGG) and a high-resolution airborne magnetic (HRAM) survey over the Lake Tanganyika South block in order to map the basin structural framework and the depth to magnetic basement. The FALCON AGG survey facilitated the imaging of the architecture of the rift zone and the interpreted sediment thickness provided an indication of prospective petroleum target areas.

This information was used to plan a subsequent 2D marine seismic survey, which was shot in 2012. The preliminary results from the 2D marine seismic survey has confirmed a rifting structure similar to that encountered further north at Lake Albert in Uganda. A number of targets over tilted fault blocks, low-side rollovers and mounded features, have been identified for follow-up from the seismic sections.

Natural oil seeps evident on the surface of Lake Tanganyika, which have been sampled and analyzed by Beach Energy, also indicate that a working petroleum system is present in the sedimentary section of the rift beneath the lake.

Marketing and promotion of airborne geophysical techniques in the oil industry.
Presentations of technical capabilities to technical and non technical personnel.
Preparation of quotations and tender responses for clients.
Working with client to understand exploration needs and provide the best possible technical solution.
Attending and visiting client offices abroad for marketing purposes.
Excellent understating of potential field geophysics uses, including magnetics, gravity, radiometrics and electromagnetics for both the mineral and petroleum sectors.
Promotion of all CGG services to best solve clients needs.

CGG is a fully integrated Geoscience company providing leading geological, geophysical and reservoir
16:10 Close followed by Wine, Exhibits, Networking

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Convergence of 3D-Seismic and Surface Microseismic
by Sandeep Gulati from Vialogy

"I loved the fast-pace Madagascar presentation at the end, it really gave the lunchtime discussions a bit of energy."


We are planning a further webinars program for 2024 -
If you may have an interesting story to share, please contact
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