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Understanding offshore operations with digital technology

Better use of digital twins - business value- maintenance decisions - contextualising information
Adrian Park
» Information Management Process, Power & Marine (PP&M)
» Hexagon (formerly Intergraph)
Karin Corbie
» Director Consulting, Service Management
Nigel Sams
» Business Development & Sales, Oil & Gas
» Siemens Digital Industries
Julian Zec
» Chief Engineer & Manager Maintenance & Reliability
» National Oilwell Varco
Stein Fredriksen
» IntOp (Intelligent Operations AS)

Full Agenda

Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Norwegian Petroleum Museum

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HEXAGON How are digital twins actually supporting faster and better decision making and reduced errors, leading to lower risk of
operations and improved efficiency? How can they best be designed to achieve this, on both older facilities and new ones?

SIEMENS DIGITAL INDUSTRIES - How to optimise decision making arond offshore / subsea assets - integrating design data with real time operational data, seeing data in a 3D visualisation, adding in predicitive analytics capabilities

NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO - case study on how maintenance decision making on blow out preventers, top drives and draw works was improved, through better use of digital information

INTOP - easier ways to 'contextualise' offshore information so people can easily see how it relates to other information - and this can be more efficient than using AI

CGI - Finding and Delivering Business Value with Digital Technology.

Most of the discussions so far around 'digital' and 'offshore' have focussed solely on the data and technology itself. As though all you need to do for good decision making is just get good data.

But experience shows that data only supports decision making when it is carefully modelled around the way people work and make decisions, so people can see what they need and understand what they are looking for. We'll look at how this is being achieved.

The most valuable IM managers, maintenance managers and engineers, IT managers and data co-ordinators of the future could be the people who develop the skills to build and implement digital technology which can best support understanding - rather than just skills working with the data and technology itself. Our forum on Nov 27 shared some ideas about how to do this.

This event continues from our past Stavanger events held in:

November 2017
view the agenda and conference report view the delegates list

December 2016
view the agenda and conference report view the delegates list

December 2015
view the agenda and conference report view the delegates list

June 2015
view the agenda and conference report
view the delegates list

December 2014
view the agenda view the delegates list


8:30 Registration and coffee
9:15 Karl Jeffery - editor
Finding Petroleum

Chairman's introduction

Karl Jeffery is editor and co-founder of Digital Energy Journal, and conference producer of Finding Petroleum. He is also publisher of Carbon Capture Journal and Tanker Operator, and co-founder of Digital Ship, a publishing and events company covering digital technology for the deep sea maritime industry. He has a BEng in chemical engineering from Nottingham University

Finding Petroleum
Finding Petroleum was established to help the oil and gas industry network, and stay up to date on t
9:20 Adrian Park - Information Management Process, Power & Marine (PP&M)
Hexagon (formerly Intergraph)

State of the art processes to capture the digital twin - international standardisation efforts for data handover requirements

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Talk Description

The maturing and convergence of many technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Augmented Connectivity, Sensor & Data Fusion, Image and Video Analytics, Visualization, Robotics and Drones, Edge Computing and many more are enablers for radical change to the way work is performed on operating assets such as offshore facilities.

A cornerstone for the successful implementation of digital work processes, the digital transformation of industrial facilities is a high quality description of the facility design and configuration and associated information, the “digital twin”.

How can this be provided for legacy facilities that are 10 to 20 years old or even older? How can facility owners ensure that new facilities and extensions to legacy facilities are delivered with a high quality digital twin that meets their needs for digital operations?

This presentation will look at state of the art processes to ensure capture of the digital twin and international standardization efforts to define requirements for handover.

Once the digital twin is established how can this be leveraged across the operations enterprise IT landscape for use in ERP, reliability, ISSoW and other systems to improve operations safety, efficiency and predictability and truly transform operations? This presentation will examine how interoperability between the digital twin and other operations systems can promote Operational Excellence, reduce errors and enable better and faster decision making by providing the correct information in context to enable improved ways of working to improve efficiency and reduce risk.
Adrian has been with Hexagon PPM (previously Intergraph) for 10 years and serves as the Vice President for Information Management. He is responsible for global business development for information management solutions serving the process, power and marine industries.

He has over 30 years’ experience working in the process industry and joined Intergraph from the Norwegian owner operator Statoil where he was engaged for 16 years including in various information management roles including Advisor in technical information management responsible for the implementation of applications for plant information management and project execution.

He has also extensive experience in managing engineering data, information logistics in CAPEX projects and the handover of data and documentation from major CAPEX projects to operations.

Adrian has also previously worked for EPC contractor Davy McKee based in the UK, ABB and Cap Gemini.

Hexagon (formerly Intergraph)
Hexagon Process, Power & Marine (formerly Intergraph) is the world's leading provider of enterprise
9:50 Karin Corbie - Director Consulting, Service Management

Finding and delivering business value with digital technology.

For our clients…
CGI strives to be recognized by our clients as their partner and expert of choi
10:20 Nigel Sams - Business Development & Sales, Oil & Gas
Siemens Digital Industries

Turning data into value - MindTwin digital asset portal

Talk Description
Talk given jointly by Gert de Nul, business consultant oil and gas, Siemens PLM Software

Offshore drilling, subsea, fixed platforms and floating production systems, Siemens real-world deployments of scalable, software solutions are helping upstream customers optimize decision-making to increase productivity, maximize capital efficiency and improve safety and security. Learn how to turn your data into value throughout the entire value chain.

MindTwin integrates designed data provided by COMOS software with real-time operational data provided by XHQ Operations Intelligence Software. 3D visual context is also integrated into the solution and comes from COMOS Walkinside. The portal is web based on Siemens IoT cloud platform MindSphere, which adds analytics capabilities that learn from your data and help to make predictions.

The Process Industry is one of the core businesses of Siemens. Countless applications, installed thr
10:50 Coffee & Tea; Exhibits
11:30 Julian Zec - Chief Engineer & Manager Maintenance & Reliability
National Oilwell Varco

Case study: supporting maintenance decision making on blow out preventers, top drives and draw works

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Talk Description
- adopting a broader understanding of data, learning how to handle information,
- defining, using and integrating data and information into processes
- rebuilding company culture
- developing new shared and collaborative supplier-customer ecosystems
- redefining ways products and services are delivered
- aligning IT strategy, analytics strategy and field services strategy, given their different attributes, competence structures, dependencies and dynamics, which proved a huge obstacle for getting beyond the pilot / prototype stage. There were a large number of actors and much work involved getting strategies synchornised and bridged

- The importance of data quality management, understanding its attributes and structure
- Better ways to develop analytics and ensure quality and integrity
- How to define a relationship between information and the value that information provides

National Oilwell Varco is a worldwide leader in providing major mechanical components for land and o
12:00 Stein Fredriksen - CEO
IntOp (Intelligent Operations AS)

How to contextualise unstructured offshore information to make it easier to work with – a more efficient method than AI

IntOp offers next generation technology in innovative ways. Users will see all the benefits of AI, M
12:30 Lunch & Close

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The Real Challenges to Building Collaborative Centers
by Charles McFarland from Halliburton Landmark

"Insight into the winds of change blowing through the industry."

Geoff Marsden (GM Geophysical)


We are planning a further webinars program for 2024 -
If you may have an interesting story to share, please contact
Karl Jeffery on