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jCatalog Software

jCatalog is a leading international provider of software solutions for the management and distribution of product information. jCatalog applications for PIM, Cross Media Publishing and eCommerce, as well as for catalog management and procurement processes, ensure optimal procurement, marketing and sales processes

In addition to a technically skilled workforce jCatalog has comprehensive knowledge and know-how regarding sales and purchasing in an international arena. To offer the best solution and to extend our abilities and the regions we serve, we work closely with a trusted network of partners. jCatalog Software AG is headquartered in Dortmund, Germany and has other offices in Europe and in the USA.

Kelly Babbit - Head of Marketing & Business Development
Kelly Babbit is responsible for Business Development and Marketing for jCatalog Software AG based in Dortmund, Germany. Kelly has over 15 years experience in building and managing finance and supply chain software solutions. Kelly joined jCatalog in 2010 to help shape and deliver their product data and procurement solutions. He arrived from Siemens where he served as the Director of Click2Procure
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