iSeis is part of the Seismic Source Company, established about ten years ago to research and design new advanced and specialised source control systems, and is now the world's largest independent company involved in vibroseis research. In 2008 iSeis was established to develop the world's first Next Generation cablefree land seismic system. Taking on board lessons learned from other systems, customer feedback and the better integration of source control suited to cablefree recording, iSeis is now a leading developer of land acquisition hardware. Currently its equipment is acquiring data from what is believed to be the largest seismic spread ever lit up at one go - about 300 sq.miles.
Bob Heath -
Technical Marketing Manager
Professional Qualification: Previous Vice Chairman SEG Technical Standards Committee, SEG Silver Medal. Member of EAGE, SEG, PESGB. BSc (Hons) Physics, University of Southampton.
Experience & Organization: Involved in land seismic acquisition techniques, engineering and marketing since 1976. Written large number of articles and papers, given talks, on modern land acquisition. Probably gi
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