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Ziebel AS

Ziebel is a group of innovative people with proven experience building business around new technologies.

Ziebel focuses on having strong management with relevant industry experience, and we have succeeded in engaging some of the most experienced personnel in our industry. We have knowledge and practical experience in all wellbore related technologies and methods, subsea technologies, reservoir and production engineering, QA, HSE, finance and management.

Ziebel has quickly grown into the leading technology and service company focusing on new technology and new methods for improved reservoir knowledge and drainage, where our game changing (and now commercial) intervention method Z-System is our main focus.

Hans Kristian Hegland - Vice President

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Delivering Field Site IT - from today's challenges to tomorrow's potential.
by David Ellison from ISN Solutions

"The talk on ME Carbonates by C&C."



We are planning a further webinars program for 2024 -
If you may have an interesting story to share, please contact
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