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sparesFinder’s customers understand that high quality materials data is a valuable asset but know that it’s not easy to either achieve this or sustain it. Moreover, it is important that they generate a good return from the investment of time and resources they make.

We work with our customers to deliver that high return. Not only do we have one of the best materials data cleaning and governance applications in the market, but we can also deliver a full service package to support your project. We are a “Software as a Service” company (i.e. we host and manage all of the software and databases, and you just use a web browser), so the IT hassle is low, the implementation rapid and the costs very competitive.

Clean data is the foundation of our customers’ success, but our integrated analytical and search applications will quickly give them the information and leverage needed to drive the benefits to the bottom line, reducing operating costs and working capital requirements quickly, and keeping them low.

David Stroud - CEO
David co-founded sparesFinder Ltd in 1998. He is a Cambridge-trained engineer, sponsored by the Royal Navy. In active service he managed 40 aircraft-carrier-based engineering staff and subsequently became responsible for formulating Fleet Air Arm Logistics policy in the Ministry of Defence. After leaving the RN he worked at Citibank for 6 years, firstly as an IT project manager and then as a deri
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Does Seamless Data Integration Lead to Right Time Well Engineering and Right Time Decisions?
by Nick Baker from Petrolink International

"A lot of dialogue, people were engaged. The question and answer sessions were very informative."


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