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Rockhopper Exploration plc

Rockhopper Exploration plc ("Rockhopper") is an AIM listed oil and gas exploration company based in the UK with interests in the Falkland Islands. It was established in 2004 with a strategy to invest in and undertake an offshore oil exploration programme. It was floated on AIM in August 2005. Rockhopper holds 40% interests in production licences PL032 and PL033 and, on completion of a farm-in announced in October 2013, 24% stakes in blocks PL004a, PL004b, and PL004c. All of these blocks are operated by Premier Oil. In addition, it has a 3% interest block PL003, operated by Desire Petroleum.

Prior to drilling, Rockhopper undertook an extensive work programme over its acreage including 2D and 3D seismic surveys and controlled source electromagnetic mapping. In February 2010, the Ocean Guardian drilling rig arrived in Falkland waters to carry out a multi-well programme on behalf of multiple operators. In the spring of 2010, Rockhopper drilled an exploration well on the Sea Lion prospect which resulted in an oil discovery. This was the first oil discovery and Contingent Oil Resource in the North Falkland Basin. The well was successfully flow tested in September 2010 and a number of additional exploration and appraisal wells were drilled subsequently. Ultimately, Rockhopper's campaign with the Ocean Guardian lasted from April 2010 to January 2012 and comprised ten wells, seven of which were successful.

Fiona MacAulay - Chief Operating Officer
Fiona is a geologist with over 25 years of experience in the oil and gas industry including time at Mobil, Amerada Hess and BG. She joined Rockhopper in 2010 immediately following the Sea Lion discovery and was an integral member of the senior team which managed the appraisal of the Sea Lion field and discovered the Casper, Casper South and Beverley fields. Fiona was appointed to the Board in Marc
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