Project Canary
Project Canary is a Public Benefit Corporation.
We have deployed a continuous environmental monitoring system that monitors emissions in real time.
Whether you are concerned about your methane emissions, Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) levels, ozone issues, or fugitive emissions, we are here for you.
Our rugged, all-weather sensors are located at the corners of the wellsite and transmit your data to the Canary ESG Platform every minute.
Anna Scott -
Chief Science Officer and Co-Founder, Project Canary
Dr. Anna Scott is an atmospheric scientist, an entrepreneur, and the Chief Science Officer of Project Canary.
She received her PhD in the Earth and Planetary Science Department at the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences at Johns Hopkins. She also holds a Bachelor’s degree in mathematics from University of Chicago, a Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics from the King Abdullah University
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