Petrolink International
Petrolink is the largest independent and neutral service company to collect, aggregate, deliver, store, and visualise wellsite real-time and static data.By using industry standards (WITSML) and the adaptability to customise workflows to the operator's business needs, Petrolink improves operational efficiency and decision making, while reducing costs.
Jon Curtis -
Jonathan Curtis has a Masters Degree from Oxford University
Having worked for wireline logging companies in the early part of his career he went on in 1990 to establish Petrolink
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Nick Baker -
Marketing Director
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Michal Kanda -
Sales Manager
August 2011 – present European Sales and Marketing Manager Petrolink • Providing Web based data solutions and services to the oil and gas exploration and production sector. • Management of Real Time and Static File data & distribution for super-major, independent and small operators in Europe. • Real-Time system administration, WITSML Data Control, Client/Contractor Support, Raw d
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Adi Iswanto -
Indonesian country manager
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