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Numerical Rocks

Numerical Rocks was established in December 2004 as an innovation spin-off via Statoil ASA. Initially comprising of two ex-Statoil employees, the company now employs 26 full time staff in Trondheim.

Numerical Rocks is a ‘daughter-company’ to Statoil who continue to own the majority of shares with the founders and employees owning the rest.

The technology was originally started in 1997 at Statoil’s R&D centre at Rotvoll, Trondheim and following the spin-off, Numerical Rocks have continued the product R&D work and are working towards a launch of the first commercial version of the e-Core software package, V 2.0.

Today e-Core software is currently being used and tested at client sites in the US, Norway, the Netherlands, Germany and the Middle East.

Håkon Rueslåtten - Business Development Manager

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Dr Alex Mock - Senior Geologist - Technical Services

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