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Minerva SRM

Rob Palfrey - CEO & Founder
Minerva SRM provides bespoke social risk management services to companies operating in the most challenging social, political and conflict-affected settings. Our services empower clients to build and maintain robust social licences to operate, enabling them to optimise results and protect their business.

Through sensitive and constructive management of social risks, Minerva SRM ensures cl
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John McCarthy - head of research
John is Minerva’s Head of Research with a background as a professional Conflict and Political Risk Advisor. John has worked in this capacity in both the private and public sectors, including for ExxonMobil and the UK Stabilisation Unit. He also spent time as a foreign correspondent writing for the Economist and the Guardian amongst others. John is a visiting academic at Linacre College, Oxford
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Does Seamless Data Integration Lead to Right Time Well Engineering and Right Time Decisions?
by Nick Baker from Petrolink International

"I loved the fast-pace Madagascar presentation at the end, it really gave the lunchtime discussions a bit of energy."


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