Mars Omega LLP
Mars Omega LLP is a discreet information collection and analysis agency, giving businesses, governments and NGOs unique access to high-quality intelligence improving their ability to make informed decisions on key issues.
Anthony Franks OBE -
Within Mars Omega LLP, Anthony is responsible for managing and controlling the extensive information networks, as well as directing and working with the analysis team to create reports for clients, and also works with Hamish MacDonald in the Liaison and Mediation service.
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Mark Theobald -
Manager for Training and Special Advisory Services
Colonel Mark Theobald served in the British Army in a variety of appointments, with particular experience of joint operational planning in NATO and the EU and is a graduate of the German Command and Staff College.
He commanded a Gurkha Infantry Battalion in UK and Brunei. In 2006 he was Deputy Chief Planner for the EU Mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Other jobs have
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