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Independent Project Analysis Ltd

IPA offers a wide range of products and services to benefit your company, including Individual Capital Project Services and Capital Project System Services. We also have a suite of products and services for Turnarounds. In addition, we have many tools that can be used to improve your company's Estimating, Planning, and Control. Organizations can also leverage our Research and we can provide Training of the capital project delivery process via the IPA Institute.

Rolando Gachter - E&P Business Area Manager
Title: Manager, Exploration and Production from February 2005 to present

IPA Experience:
Joined IPA in January 1998

Senior Analyst - July 2001 - May 2004
Analyst - January 1998 - June 2001

Areas of Expertise:
Mr. Gächter has over twelve years of capital project benchmarking experience, specializing in energy and minerals extraction projects. His experie
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Dukhan 3D: An ultra high density, full wide azimuth seismic survey for the future
by Jean-Jacques Postel from CGGVeritas

"Variety of presenters from industry, regulators, and finance."


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