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Ikon GeoPressure

Ikon GeoPressure provide global best practice in subsurface pressure analysis. Delivering consulting, training and integrated technology to reduce risk and increase success from overpressure and geopressure in exploration, development and production situations. Ikon GeoPressure are part of Ikon Science, the global geoscience technology company committed to bringing innovative geoscience technology to the upstream oil and gas industry.

Ikon Science, founded in 2001, employs over 80 people and has offices in London, Durham, Edinburgh, Houston, Boulder, Lagos, Kuala Lumpur and Perth Western Australia.

Richard Swarbrick - Managing Director
Before founding GeoPressure Technology, Dr Richard Swarbrick completed a PhD in sedimentology/tectonics at Cambridge University, and subsequently worked as a geologist for Mobil for ten years from 1979. During that time he worked in exploration and production assignments in both the UK and USA.

In 1989 he began teaching petroleum geology and related courses at the University of Durham whe
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Steve O'Connor - Technical Manager/Senior Geologist
Stephen is a petroleum geologist who has worked with many types of oilfield data, particularly in the areas of reservoir quality, structural geology, fault seal and pore pressure.
He started his career working on exploration assignments for Unocal and BP/Amoco, before returning to university to undertake MSc. in Sedimentology at Reading University, studying the Clair Field, West of Shetland. <
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"All the talks and David's comments were great. Very informative and well presented and interesting."


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