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IPRES, established in 1995, develops and markets the IP Suite of software tools and offers a full range of complementary services to the upstream petroleum industry. Throughout our history we have been dedicated to improving decision work processes for major upstream investments by using an integrated approach. By implementing and using our tools, we also help oil companies to quantify attainable production goals and support their resource management processes.

Moving projects through the decision gates to execution is central to the work performed by the specialist disciplines in an oil and gas company. Decisions are made that involve major capital investments and focusing on maximising project and portfolio value should be well worth the efforts!

IP Suite allows decision situations to be evaluated for any type of project along the entire value chain, from exploration through to development and production optimisation. The tools are easy to use, yet flexible, and handle all important risks and uncertainties: reservoir, drilling, facilities, operations, commercial and fiscal. The modelling approach involves all team members, improving collaboration and the review process. Consistency, comparability and full data capture are ensured; the pre-requisites for better decision-making.

The IP Suite of integrated petroleum tools covers:

* IPRISKwell for well planning
* IPRISKfield for field development planning
* IPRISKforecast for production forecasting
* IPRESOURCE for resource/reserve management

IP Suite helps you to improve the general work processes and handling of complex projects. You can also choose to outsource whole projects or parts of projects to IPRES, including quality assurance of data input, decision trees and modelling, as well as analyses of results and recommendations. We undertake projects as single investment projects or within a portfolio context, or as part of the annual resource/reserve management process.

Bente Bue - General Manager
Bente Bue has many years of experience from various Norwegian oil companies. She started in exploration, moving on to project manager for a broad range of new ventures evaluations as well as being responsible for asset portfolios . Late 2007 she joined IPRES as a senior adviser, with a remit to improve the IPRISK decision support tools with associated work processes, and manage/facilitate customer
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Petrel - a shared platform for subsurface and drilling
by Ameziane Seddiki from Schlumberger

"Data analytics. After the strong intro (as ever) talk content grew more interesting as the morning progressed. In addition, often pleasing to have new (young) talent on stage, especially so confident."


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