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Horizon Development Group

The Horizon Development Group employs more than 2,000 staff and has offices in the Middle East, Mozambique, Congo, Gabon, USA, Canada, Dubai, Malaysia and Hong Kong.

Our main areas of business are:

• Engineering Services- we currently maintain over 470,000 barrels of oil per day of production capacity in the Middle East and provide installation, engineering and maintenance services for a number of European and International partners;

• Marketing, sales and after sales services for predominantly oil field goods, equipment and services;

• Procurement, logistics support and the provision of manpower.

Andrew Wright -

Full Biography and Videos

Have sponsored the following events

Finding Petroleum Opportunities In Iran
There's plenty of oil in Iran, and gas too - but building a business is complex
19 May 2016

Join 10,000 oil & gas professionals who attend our events and receive our newsletter.


Dukhan 3D: An ultra high density, full wide azimuth seismic survey for the future
by Jean-Jacques Postel from CGGVeritas

"Thought provoking presentation on novel EM methods and an excellent presentation on multi-source towed streamer operations and survey design implications."

Richard Walker (Independent)


We are planning a further webinars program for 2024 -
If you may have an interesting story to share, please contact
Karl Jeffery on