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Geologix Systems Integration Ltd

Geologix has been a leading supplier, for more than 25 years, of software tools and data interpretation services to support oil and gas drilling. In the last few years, it has provided senior digital transformation advisors to clients and has developed new products to optimise oil and gas production, identify major equipment declining performance and predict equipment failure. More recently, Geologix has acquired VR and AR expertise and is promoting their adoption into oil and gas work processes.

Julian Pickering - CEO
Dr Julian Pickering has a degree in Applied Physics from Brunel University, London and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Cambridge University, where he was a BP scholar. He has worked for BP for 32 years and has held major posts including the Head of Digital Technology for Global Drilling and Completions and the Head of the Field of the Future Facilities Programme. He left BP in March 2010 an
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Paul Helm - Associate Technical Director
Paul Helm is a former director oil and gas with Hewlett Packard.
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Have sponsored the following events

Lunch'n Think Webinar: Remote operations and digital twins - making them work in practise
"Digital Twins" are a key enabler of Remote Operations
26 Feb 2021

How to digitalise exploration and operations
ML on satellite imagery, warning equipment failure, supply chain digital tech, information overload
13 Nov 2019

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(local digital oilfield heroes) Using WITSML to bring geological information to the desktop
by Samit Sengupta from

"That there are other techniques than seismic!"


We are planning a further webinars program for 2024 -
If you may have an interesting story to share, please contact
Karl Jeffery on