Genesis Automation
Lean manufacturing is becoming vital as companies try to reduce costs while increasing efficiency. Genesis is a streamlined system that manages stock availability, eliminating costly stock-outs and unnecessary over-stocking of inventory.
Genesis monitors inventory levels in real-time, both locally and through remote locations, allowing access to critical stock information. Stock is held in a secure location (lockable
cart, carousel storage system, secure room or warehouse), managed by a Genesis Terminal that is accessed via a key fob or the clients existing access control card system. The operator scans the required stock item and enters the quantities on the Genesis Terminal touch screen.
Genesis instantly captures the information on the item taken (time, quantity etc.), the operator who took it (name, department etc.) and sends the information back in real-time to the Genesis Server, either locally (LAN) or over a wide area network (WAN). The Genesis Server can be accessed through a local or on-line portal. Minimum/maximum stock levels are set by the user.
Genesis then alerts the client and vendor of any items that need to be restocked, reducing administration time and stock checking. If an increase in demand is expected for a particular product, the client simply adjusts the minimum/maximum levels required, Genesis implements the requirements automatically, ensuring no stock-outs.
Noel O'Hanlon -
managing director
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