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Feather Tech

Feather Tech is a company that aims to reduce the cost of onshore exploration, while providing high resolution seismic data for onshore drilling. Our operation brings novel optimization and state-of-the-art robotic technologies to the exploration process. The modularity and flexibility resulting from these technologies create a revolutionary opportunity for the field of oil and gas exploration.

Serje Heyer - Director

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Rayane Hoballah - Director and Co-founder
Rayane, director and co-founder of Feather Tech, has developed an acute sense for entrepreneurship from a young age. He assumed the responsibility of directing his first start-up at the age of 20, leading a university-wide consultancy agency to increase the profitability and functionality of numerous international engineering companies. Rayane is a graduate from the French Engineering School Greno
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Have sponsored the following events

New Geophysical Technologies
Developments in seismic recording, gravity, electromagnetics
24 Feb 2016

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Early warning real-time systems and appropriate visualization of well data helps to reduce drilling risks and NPTs
by Enrico Saperdi from The BB Visual Group

"Variety of presenters from industry, regulators, and finance."


We are planning a further webinars program for 2024 -
If you may have an interesting story to share, please contact
Karl Jeffery on