Fablabs AS
Fablabs AS is a software company that aims to be distruptive about maximizing off-shore oil production, using a holistic Data Science approach and modern technologies, while adhering to time-tested Engineering practices.
Fablabs' business objective is to optimize oil production at a multi-field level by use of a network model that provides near real-time advice to production engineers. It will recommend actions to be taken in the next hours & days to safely increase oil production across one or more fields connected to a single topside processing system. It will also accept hand crafted constraints from an engineer and provide a rapid feed-back loop for evaluating next steps. The possible actions will include shut-ins, start-ups, re-routes to alternate separators, and adjustments to choke and gaslift. The core technologies structure incoming data from a time-series database into a live model that allows for intricate and arbitrary constraints to be placed throughout the network. No two wells is alike, and that needs to be accomodated. The web-based, light-weight user interface belies the powerful engine behind it. Common functions like filtering and user directed investigations are intuitive. Engineers will be able to securely log in from anywhere, 24/7, using any device with a browser.
Joe Chesak -
Joe Chesak is a former Senior Engineering Analyst with ConocoPhillips
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