FGE is an international energy consultancy group that services clients on a regular basis by producing research, analysis, and forecasting of the international oil and gas markets, in addition to undertaking specially-commissioned reports, publishing multi-client studies, and responding to client queries.
Over the years, FGE has become a leading consultancy within the energy market. This is due largely to the specialist coverage FGE provides on the oil and gas markets, our extensive forecasting tools, and our commitment to provide high-quality strategic advice to a wide range of clients, globally.
To date, FGE remains one of the only energy consultancy firms to focus expertise on the Asia Pacific market.
Siamek Adibi -
Senior Consultant & Head of Middle East Gas Team,
Siamak, born in Iran, specializes in the natural gas/LNG business with a focus on the Middle East, North Africa, and CIS countries. He has extensive analytical experience and insights as well as practical experience in the Iranian oil and gas sector for over a decade. Mr. Adibi served for a number of years with the National Iranian Gas Export Company (NIGEC). At NIGEC, Siamak was involved with sev
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