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Drilling Info / DII International

Drillinginfo accelerates workflows and business critical decision processes for the oil and gas industry resulting in faster, smarter, safer exploration and production of global resources. Drillinginfo offers an anytime, anywhere interface to data, analysis and mining tools through a vast web-enabled database of land, well, production and scouting information.

John Balch - Vice President, Africa
Based in DII's UK office, John was involved in managing and directing operations in an international data company for 12 years, where he established a new West Africa activity reporting service, before managing the NW Europe Team and UK-based regional teams. He also spent three years as Director Far East and three years as a Global Product Manager. John previously worked as a Pressure Engineer, We
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Have sponsored the following events

Finding big oil fields in East Africa
..onshore, yes, but are there any offshore?!
09 Apr 2013

East African Exploration - where are the big fields hiding?
Finding big fields in East Africa
17 Apr 2012

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Brownfield, documents to data and beyond
by Lin Whitworth from Datum 360

"A good mix of topics (with both a technical & commercial spin) around the overall theme of mature provinces and super basins."


We are planning a further webinars program for 2024 -
If you may have an interesting story to share, please contact
Karl Jeffery on