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Datum 360

Datum360 provides Software as a Service (SaaS) and consultancy services to ensure that your 'Engineering Information is AS it should be': well understood, trusted and delivered to the right place at the right time!

PIM360 and CLS360 software have been designed to provide solutions to many of the more challenging information management issues, faced during handover to Operations and in continuing operational phase of the asset's lifecycle. Based on our deep insight into the engineering information management needs for Oil & Gas, this innovative software provides new capabilities to automate and improve the management of engineering data.

Our SaaS provides you with the benefits of a one click deployment, completely data-driven configuration and a fast, easy to use interface for all your users.

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Full Biography and Videos
Lin Whitworth - Director of Client Services

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Have sponsored the following events

Transforming Offshore Operations with Digital Technology
update on how oil and gas companies are getting value from developments in digital technology
01 Dec 2016

Transforming Developments and Operations
New business opportunities by improving production from existing assets & reducing operations costs
10 Dec 2015

Join 10,000 oil & gas professionals who attend our events and receive our newsletter.


A Holistic Approach to Arctic Seismic Acquisition
by Phil Fontana from Polarcus

"A good mix of topics (with both a technical & commercial spin) around the overall theme of mature provinces and super basins."


We are planning a further webinars program for 2024 -
If you may have an interesting story to share, please contact
Karl Jeffery on