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CaribX is a multi-disciplinary oil and gas exploration company with a unique insight into the petroleum geology of the Caribbean and Central America gained from over a decaderesearch and comparison with global analogues.

CaribX is the only Caribbean and Central American specialist exploration company. We are based in London with representatives in Managua, Tegucigalpa, Kingston, Port of Spain, Houston and Singapore. CaribX was incorporated with the mission to:

1. Build on its unique understanding of the petroleum potential of the Caribbean & Central American region through detailed petroleum geological study, original thinking and interpretation;

2. Select the most prospective areas and attract financial and industry partners;

3. Safely and responsibly develop this potential in partnership with the countries in which we operate.

The greater Caribbean region remains lightly explored despite the nearby presence of petroleum systems that have resulted in the massive oil and gas accumulations in Venezuela, Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago, Mexico and the US Gulf of Mexico.

CaribX's dedicated technical and management team has long recognised the region's potential. Our work continues to reduce exploration risk via the identification of new petroleum source regimes and associated play trends leading to an increased chance of discovering indigenous petroleum resources.

Chris Matchette-Downes - founder
Chris has been in the upstream business for over 30 years, including time with BP, BG and more recently Black Marlin Energy. A petroleum geochemist, Chris is well-respected for work done in both East Africa and in the greater Caribbean region and has undertaken several geoscientific reviews of the region since 2003. He was a founder of Black Marlin which was sold in 2010 for 100 + mln USD. He is a
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by Scott Hawkins from ASCI

"6 presentations, all worthy of merit, and good presenters."


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