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Carbon Capture Journal

Carbon Capture Journal is specifically about developments with industrial scale carbon capture and geological storage technology, with news about the major projects and development with government policy. Informing you about developments in carbon capture, storage, and related government policy, in a way which is clear, useful and won't waste your time

Karl Jeffrey - Director, Carbon Capture Journal

Full Biography and Videos

Have sponsored the following events

CO2 storage - and opportunities for geoscientists
Why exploration geophysical workflows are appropriate for CO2 storage
18 May 2022

Walking the Talk on Methane Emissions? Obfuscation a key skill for some Majors and E&Ps?
23 Jul 2021

Lunch'n Think Webinar: Has CCS finally come of age?
.....there is much activity everywhere!
05 Mar 2021

Responsible Investment in Oil & Gas
...the result of clear purpose and sustainable operating
06 Dec 2019

Quantifying methane leaks and flares from gas wells and facilities
Establishing a clear picture of methane leaks and flares is a match for the geophysicist skillset
13 Nov 2018

Carbon management and the oil and gas industry
....manage your carbon, or fade away?
13 Nov 2017

Investing in petroleum under a carbon 'cloud'
How can the oil and gas industry work together with climate issues?
19 Nov 2015

Enhanced Oil Recovery using CO2
The economic salvation of Carbon Capture & Storage?
19 Nov 2013

New ideas in Improved Recovery and EOR
Finding ways to improve North Sea oil production
18 Apr 2012

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Does Seamless Data Integration Lead to Right Time Well Engineering and Right Time Decisions?
by Nick Baker from Petrolink International

"A lot of dialogue, people were engaged. The question and answer sessions were very informative."


We are planning a further webinars program for 2024 -
If you may have an interesting story to share, please contact
Karl Jeffery on