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BBC Monitoring

Established in 1939, BBC Monitoring, is a leading provider of open source information and analysis to governments, NGOs and major corporations worldwide, including many of the major players in the oil and gas sector. Iran is one of BBC Monitoring's primary focus areas, with our teams of analysts charged with monitoring and analysing developments in areas including geopolitics, terrorism and other security-related issues. A combination of broad local media monitoring capabilities, regional knowledge and presence on the ground means that our people are in a unique position to provide deep local insight. As well as 'constant watch' monitoring services we offer a range of tailored 'above the ground risk' analysis and insight services including Briefing Notes, SitReps, Profiles/Bios and In-Depth Reports.

Derek Cox - Business Development & Customer Relations Manager
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Mathias Muindi - Senior Africa Analyst

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Speaker from -

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Ahmad Taghizadeh - Iran Analyst

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Finding Petroleum Opportunities In Iran
There's plenty of oil in Iran, and gas too - but building a business is complex
19 May 2016

Finding African Oil
Invest in Africa! but where?
28 Jan 2015

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Different approaches to Digital Oilfield infrastructure - what makes a good solution
by Julian Pickering from Geologix Systems Integration Ltd

"The subject in my view was a very important one and I have a strong interest in the science of sound technology which is underrated by many. I like what you do."

(Pronto Business Funding)


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