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Altona Energy

Altona Energy is dedicated to creating shareholder value and wealth. It's mission is to develop profitable, value added projects from world scale energy resources, with a current focus firmly on the evaluation and development of the company's huge coal resources in the Arckaringa Basin of South Australia.

The Company's flagship Arckaringa Project ticks all the boxes as a major Australian development project for the 21st century.

A modern, combined-cycle power station adding 560Mw to the national grid
A resource equivalent to 7.8 billion barrels of clean-burning fuel for Australia and the world
Feedstock for the production of many high-value products ranging from fertilisers to plastics
Thousands of jobs in the construction stage and a permanent workforce of nearly 800 in production
Potential water supply to open up the vast northern tracts of South Australia to industry and agriculture
Infrastructure and power to support the coming northern mining boom
The opportunity to create a world-leading Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) facility for the management of greenhouse gases.

Arckaringa is the right project at the right time for South Australia.

Peter Fagiano - technical director
Mr. Peter Michael John Fagiano has been Executive Director of Project Technology at Altona Energy Plc since January 2011.
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