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African Energy Chamber

At The Forefront Of The African Energy Industry

We uphold a results-focused business environment for companies operating in Africa’s dynamic energy industry. The African Energy Chamber works with indigenous companies throughout the continent in optimizing their reach and networks.

Our partnerships with international dignitaries, executives, and companies allow for relevant servicing to other international entities looking to operate within the continent.

The African Energy Chamber brings willing governments and credible businesses together to continuing growth of the African energy sector under international standard business practices.

NJ Ayuk - Executive Chairman, African Energy Chamber
Mr. Ayuk concentrates particularly on the structuring, local content, documentation and negotiation of oil, gas and petrochemical transactions including, acquisitions, divestitures, joint ventures, project development and financing.

His practice focuses on upstream, midstream and downstream transactions in the domestic and international energy sectors. His clients include oil and gas prod
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Welcome and Introduction
by David Bamford from Finding Petroleum

"I most enjoyed Patrick Coole's presentation and the findings using the seismic data over the open blocks in Cote d'Ivoire."


We are planning a further webinars program for 2024 -
If you may have an interesting story to share, please contact
Karl Jeffery on