ABTOG has a unique understanding of the manner in which marginal fields can be developed. This understanding is critical in bringing together all the various parts, including the appropriate financing, and means that ABTOG can create the appropriate project structure to allow the development of a field which may include acquisition of an interest in a project by ABTOG or the leasing of the solution to interest holders. ABTOG’s expertise in marginal field development allows it to be creative and flexible in the manner in which it approaches each project to ensure the optimum solution is implemented.
ABTOG’s solutions focus on a reduction in capex, achieved through the innovative design of its solutions, and a reduction in opex that can often dwarf the benefit of the capex reduction and is achieved through the application the principles of normally unattended installations. These principles are aimed at undeveloped discoveries, early production scenarios and late field life but can also generate significant benefits as part of more conventional development solutions. The creation of the Marginal Field Delivery Consortium ensures that solutions are delivered to the satisfaction of field owners.
Alan Minty -
Chairman & CEO
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