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Ryan Turner

Ryan Turner is a Lead Analyst for PGI’s Geopolitical Intelligence team, with strong focus in the extractive industry and expertise in the Middle East. Ryan has expert knowledge of the global Oil & Gas Sector, as well as economic, political and security developments in the Middle East. He also has an understanding of the impact of political risk on the global energy market. Ryan has shared his views on security and energy market in numerous media appearances on BBC and CNBC and other networks.

Prior to joining PGI, Ryan was an Oil & Gas Analyst for a company which for the past 30 years, has had forecasts, data and analysis used by multinationals, governments and financial institutions to guide critical decisions. In this role, he worked daily with a team of country risk and sector focused analysts to provide insight and analysis in the global oil and gas market, with a regional remit focused on the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa.

All Video Presentations from Ryan Turner

Finding Oil in Central & South America
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Political, security and regulatory challenges in the Middle East
Finding Petroleum Opportunities In The Middle East
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The realities of working in Iran
Finding Petroleum Opportunities In Iran
Thursday, May 19, 2016

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Controlling the applications portfolio - creating a beachhead for IM strategy
by Ed Evans from New Digital Business

"An interesting mix of political, business & geoscience (to start) and subsurface data offering."


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