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Roberto Bencini

Age 63. Chartered Petroleum Geologist since 1992. Technical Director, GA.I.A. srl, since 1999.

He developed a strong international multidisciplinary experience in the energy sector, subsurface aspects, from 1981 with Chevron ( and with Lasmo-ENI (, and from 2002 to 2017 with the Independent Resources Group (now Echo Energy plc,, with particular reference to oil & gas exploration and production (North Africa, Italy, North Sea), underground gas storage, CO2 geological storage and unconventional gas.

In 2000-2003 Roberto co-operated with INGV (Istituto Nazionale Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Rome, Italy – and with PTRC (Petroleum Technology Research Centre - Regina, Canada - as Technical Integrator for the US$ 25 million “Weyburn” international CO2 storage research project.

From 2004 to 2009 Roberto co-operated with INGV and the Independent Resources Group to define the geological storage capacity for CO2 in SW Sardinia (SULCIS ECBM Project), onshore and offshore Calabria (Saline Ioniche project for REZIA) and offshore Latium Region (Alto Lazio CCS project for ENEL spa).

In the period 2008-2014, Roberto conceived and filed the application, and managed the successful EIA study, for the first license in Italy for the exploration and appraisal of a CO2 geological storage site (Sibilla project, Adriatic Sea,

Roberto taught CO2 Sequestration at the Energy and Environment Management post-graduate course of “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy (2002-2014) and at the Applied and Environmental Geology of the Engineering Faculty of “Alma Mater” University of Bologna (2019). Since 1999, he is on the roll of Experts of the European Commission for CO2 underground storage. Roberto is one of the leading experts in CO2 geological storage in Europe.

Email August 2019

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