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Kevin Boyd

Kevin’s career has focused on solving customer and industry problems in the areas of
Condition Monitoring, Process Automation, Paperless Inspection, Track & Trace and
Wearable Safety. Data-driven insights made possible using software and industrial digital
technologies has been a constant thread throughout this journey.

During this time, he has held various leadership positions, helping to turnaround, build and grow the respective businesses. On-site experience in onshore/offshore Oil & Gas,
PetroChem, Power Gen, Whisky and other industries has maintained a practical viewpoint.

Working as an independent advisor today, Kevin helps startup and established businesses
on their journey to profitable growth.

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The Contribution of Digital Technology
by Ian Moore from Capgemini

"Entertaining talk by Rogers Beall on Fortesa's history in the MSGBC basin and good to see some new seismic from Somaliland and Mozambique."


We are planning a further webinars program for 2024 -
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