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Dr. Svein Ellingsrud

Dr. Svein Ellingsrud's Awards

2009 - "Honorary Award 2009" from the Geological Society of Norway for notable achievements in the development and applications of CSEM in petroleum exploration

2008 - "Geofysikkprisen 2008" from NPF (Norwegian Petroleum Society) The Norwegian Geophysical Prize.

2007 - Society of Exploration Geophysicsts: Virgil Kaufman Gold Medal for: "initiating the first substantial test of controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) for direct hydrocarbon indication. This pioneering work spawned a new service industry devoted to acquiring, processing, and modelling CSEM data for directly observing hydrocarbons by capitalizing on the resistivity contrast observed in selected hydrocarbon basins. The practice of utilizing CSEM data to lower drilling risk is quickly becoming standard practice in some plays and has been cited as possibly the most significant technology in oil exploration since 3D seismic."

All Video Presentations from Dr. Svein Ellingsrud

Emerging Deep Water Areas
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

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