Brian Horsfield
Brian Horsfield is co-founder of GEOS4, and CEO. He graduated in Geology from Durham University (England) and obtained his Ph.D in Organic Geochemistry from Newcastle University. He worked in the industry for 9 years with Conoco and Arco, conducting research and service on numerous marine and non-marine petroleum provinces worldwide. His published papers include developing evaluation schemes that are now standard in the industry, inventing the MSSV pyrolysis method, and building oil-to-gas cracking kinetic models.
On the academic level, Brian is Full Professor of Organic Geochemistry and Hydrocarbon Systems at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, as well as Leader of Organic Geochemistry at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. He is a member of acatech, the German Academy of Science and Technology. He is director of the research project Gas Shales in Europe (GASH) and the fact-based Shale Gas Information Platform (SHIP). The evaluation of gas-in-place and producibility in unconventional hydrocarbon systems of the USA, South Africa, China and North Africa are key activities in service and research at the present time. He has more than 180 publications in leading journals.
International exploration for Unconventionals
Tuesday, October 7, 2014